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SortByCondition Class

Represents a sort condition used to identify the column/row by whose values the other field values will be sorted.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid.v14.2.dll


public class SortByCondition :


To identify the column/row by whose values their values will be sorted, pivot grid fields hold the PivotGridField.SortByConditions collection, which contains the SortByCondition objects.

A sort condition represents a field value. The PivotGridField.SortByConditions collection contains one sort condition for each field in the current Header Area. Together, these conditions identify the required column/row. For instance, the highlighted column on the image below is identified by three sort conditions.


The field value which the sort condition represents is specified by the SortByCondition.Value property. The field to which the value belongs is specified by the SortByCondition.Field property.

If the pivot grid is bound to an OLAP data source, the field value is identified by the corresponding OLAP member's unique name (SortByCondition.OlapUniqueMemberName). In this instance, the SortByCondition.Value property is set to null.

See Also