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PivotCustomCellAppearanceEventArgs Class

Provides data for the PivotGridControl.CustomCellAppearance event.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid.v14.2.dll


public class PivotCustomCellAppearanceEventArgs :


The PivotGridControl.CustomCellAppearance event is fired for each cell, after the PivotGridControl layout changes, allowing you to specify brushes used to paint the background and foreground of the processed cell. To do this, use the PivotCustomCellAppearanceEventArgs.Background and PivotCustomCellAppearanceEventArgs.Foreground properties provided by the PivotCustomCellAppearanceEventArgs class, respectively.

Use the PivotCustomCellAppearanceEventArgs.IsExporting property to obtain whether the pivot grid is being exported (or printed). If the PivotCustomCellAppearanceEventArgs.IsExporting property returns true, brushes assigned to the PivotCustomCellAppearanceEventArgs.Background and PivotCustomCellAppearanceEventArgs.Foreground properties will affect the processed cell's export (or print) appearance. Otherwise, these brushes will affect the cell's display appearance.

The PivotCustomCellAppearanceEventArgs class also provides properties used to identify the processed cell. Use the PivotCellBaseEventArgs.ColumnField, PivotCellBaseEventArgs.DataField and PivotCellBaseEventArgs.RowField properties to obtain the column, data and row fields that correspond to the processed cell, respectively. The PivotCellBaseEventArgs.ColumnIndex and PivotCellBaseEventArgs.RowIndex properties are used to obtain the visual indexes of the column and row that contain the cell. To obtain the type of the column and row where the cell resides, use the PivotCellBaseEventArgs.ColumnValueType and PivotCellBaseEventArgs.RowValueType properties, respectively.


See Also