PivotSummaryDataSource Class
Represents a summary data source.
Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid.v14.2.dll
#Returned By
Properties and methods that return PivotSummaryDataSource instances:
A summary data source can be represented by a table whose columns correspond to the fields, while the records correspond to the pivot grid data cells.
The summary data source can be created for all pivot grid cells (in this instance, use the PivotGridControl's CreateSummaryDataSource method), or for individual cells when handling the cell events (in this instance, use the event parameter's CreateSummaryDataSource method).
The PivotSummaryDataSource class implements the IList interface, so the data returned by the CreateSummaryDataSource method can easily be displayed in a grid control. To bind a grid control to the summary data source, assign the PivotSummaryDataSource object to the grid's DataSource property.
Individual records from the summary data source are represented by the PivotSummaryDataRow objects. The records are obtained using the indexed notation. The total number of records in the data source is returned by the PivotSummaryDataSource.RowCount property.
To obtain values of the data source cells, use the PivotSummaryDataSource.GetValue method.