PivotCustomFieldValueCellsEventArgs Class
Provides data for the PivotGridControl.CustomFieldValueCells event.
Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid.v14.2.dll
The PivotGridControl.CustomFieldValueCells event occurs when the layout of the PivotGridControl is changed, allowing you to customize column and row headers: field value cells, data field, total and grand total headers.
The PivotCustomFieldValueCellsEventArgs class provides the PivotCustomFieldValueCellsEventArgs.GetCell method used to obtain data related to an individual cell, by its index. This method returns a FieldValueCell object which provides the data. Use the PivotCustomFieldValueCellsEventArgs.GetCellCount method to obtain the total number of field value cells. Column/row headers can also be identified by their column/row. Use the PivotCustomFieldValueCellsEventArgs.FindCell method to obtain the header whose column/row matches a specific condition.
You can also specify the location of grand total headers using the PivotCustomFieldValueCellsEventArgs.SetGrandTotalLocation method. To obtain the current location of grand total headers, use the PivotCustomFieldValueCellsEventArgs.GetGrandTotalLocation method.
When handling the PivotGridControl.CustomFieldValueCells event, you can remove individual cells with their nested columns and rows via the PivotCustomFieldValueCellsEventArgs.Remove method.
The PivotCustomFieldValueCellsEventArgs.Split method allows you to split field value cells that have more than one nested cell. This method splits cells that match the specified condition (or, optionally, only the first matching cell) in a custom manner defined by the FieldValueSplitData objects.