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PivotCustomChartDataSourceRowsEventArgs Class

Provides data for the PivotGridControl.CustomChartDataSourceRows event.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid.v14.2.dll


public class PivotCustomChartDataSourceRowsEventArgs :


The PivotGridControl.CustomChartDataSourceRows event is raised before PivotGridControl passes its data to a bound chart control. This event allows you to customize pivot grid data before passing it to a chart control.

The PivotCustomChartDataSourceRowsEventArgs class provides the PivotCustomChartDataSourceRowsEventArgs.Rows property that allows you to access data that will be passed to the chart.

This collection contains PivotChartDataSourceRow objects that identify chart datasource records. Each record contains data from a specific pivot grid cell and will be represented by a series point in a chart.

Use the following properties, exposed by the PivotChartDataSourceRow objects, to obtain and modify the point's argument, series and value.


Gets or sets the argument of a chart point that will represent the current datasource row.


Gets or sets the series of a chart point that will represent the current datasource row.


Gets or sets the value of a chart point that will represent the current datasource row.

For each record, you can also obtain information about a pivot grid cell to which this record corresponds. To do this, use the following properties.


Gets information about a pivot grid cell that corresponds to the current datasource row.


Gets information about the column field value that corresponds to the current datasource row.


Gets information about the row field value that corresponds to the current datasource row.

Use the PivotCustomChartDataSourceRowsEventArgs.CreateRow method to create PivotChartDataSourceRow instances. You can then add them to the PivotCustomChartDataSourceRowsEventArgs.Rows collection using its Add and Insert methods.


See Also