FieldValueCell Class
Represents a field value cell.
Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid.v14.2.dll
#Returned By
Properties and methods that return FieldValueCell instances:
The FieldValueCell class instances are used when handling the PivotGridControl.CustomFieldValueCells event. The FieldValueCell objects are returned by the event parameter's PivotCustomFieldValueCellsEventArgs.GetCell method, and provide data related to individual field value cells.
Use the FieldValueCellBase.DisplayText, FieldValueCellBase.Value and FieldValueCell.ValueType properties to obtain the display text of the cell, the field value it represents, and the type of the cell, respectively. To obtain whether the cell is visible and whether it is expanded or collapsed, use the FieldValueCellBase.IsVisible and FieldValueCellBase.IsCollapsed properties, respectively. To obtain whether the cell is a column or row header, use the FieldValueCellBase.IsColumn property.
Use the FieldValueCell.Field property to obtain the field whose value the cell represents. If the cell is a data field header, or a data field header's nested cell, use the FieldValueCell.DataField property to obtain the data field that identifies this cell.