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FieldBestFitArea Enum

Lists the values used to specify which interface elements should be taken into account when calculating the optimal width for columns or rows.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid.v14.2.dll


public enum FieldBestFitArea


Name Description

The best-fit functionality is disabled.


The contents of field values are taken into account when calculating the best-fit size.


The contents of field headers are taken into account when calculating the best-fit size.


The contents of data cells are taken into account when calculating the best-fit size.


The contents of data cells, field headers and field values are taken into account when calculating the best-fit size.

#Passed To

You can pass FieldBestFitArea values to the following properies:


The values listed by this enumeration are used to set the PivotGridField.BestFitArea and PivotGridControl.BestFitArea properties.

See Also