How to: Extract a Part of the PDF Page as an Image
- 4 minutes to read
The following example demonstrates how to use the PdfDocumentProcessor and DXGraphics classes to extract a part of the PDF page as an image.
In this example, the search result is exported as a Bitmap image. Call the PdfDocumentProcessor.FindText to find a specific phrase.
The DXGraphics.DrawImage(DXImage, RectangleF, RectangleF) method overload allows you to to export a part of the PDF page as an image. This method requires the following parameters:
- An image from which to extract a portion.
- The size and location of the resulting image.
- An image area to extract.
The sections below describe how to calculate each parameter.
#Convert a Page to an Image
Call the PdfDocumentProcessor.CreateDXBitmap method to export a page to a bitmap image. You can declare an optional scale
parameter to scale the page.
#Calculate the Extraction Area
The FindText
method returns a PdfTextSearchResults instance. The PdfTextSearchResults.Rectangles property returns a list of areas occupied by the result entries. These areas is measured in PDF page units (each point is 1/72 of an inch). Call the Units.PointsToPixelsF method to convert the rectangle coordinates to pixels. Multiply the coordinates by the scale
parameter declared earlier to calculate the coordinates correctly.
#Calculate The Resulting Image Size
Create a new DevExpress.Drawing.DXBitmap instance to draw a page area into it. Use the width and height calculated earlier so that the extracted portion fits onto the image canvas.
#Draw an Image
Pass the exported page and the calculated rectangles as the DXGraphics.DrawImage
method parameters. The code sample below shows a complete code sample:
using DevExpress.Pdf;
using System.Drawing;
using DevExpress.Drawing;
PdfDocumentProcessor processor = new PdfDocumentProcessor();
PdfTextSearchResults searchResults = processor.FindText("The PDF Viewer");
if (searchResults != null)
ConvertRegionToImage(processor, searchResults.Rectangles[0], searchResults.PageNumber);
static void ConvertRegionToImage(PdfDocumentProcessor processor, PdfOrientedRectangle area,
int pageNumber, float scale = 1f) {
// Export a page to a bitmap image
float dpi = 72f;
PdfPage page = processor.Document.Pages[0];
DXBitmap pageBitmap = processor.CreateDXBitmap(pageNumber,
(int)Math.Max(page.CropBox.Height * scale, page.CropBox.Width * scale));
pageBitmap.Save("source.png", DXImageFormat.Png);
// Calculate the area width and height in pixels
float widthInPixels = Units.PointsToPixelsF((float)area.Width * scale, dpi);
float heightInPixels = Units.PointsToPixelsF((float)area.Height * scale, dpi);
// Calculate the area's top left coordinates
int x = Convert.ToInt32(Units.PointsToPixelsF((float)area.Left * scale, dpi));
int y = Convert.ToInt32(Units.PointsToPixelsF((float)(page.CropBox.Height - area.Top)
* scale, dpi));
using (DXBitmap bitmap = new DXBitmap((int)widthInPixels, (int)heightInPixels))
// Declare an area into which the extracted portion
// should be drawn
Rectangle destRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height);
// Declare an area to extract from the page
Rectangle sourceRect = new Rectangle(x, y, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height);
using (DXGraphics graphics = DXGraphics.FromImage(bitmap))
// Export a page area to a bitmap
graphics.DrawImage(pageBitmap, destRect, sourceRect);
bitmap.Save("result.png", DXImageFormat.Png);