How to: Sign a PDF File with a Certificate Stored in a .PFX File
- 3 minutes to read
The PdfDocumentSigner class allows you to sign and save a document. Use the PdfSignatureBuilder class to apply a signature to a form field. The PDF Document API supports PKCS#7 signatures with X.509 certificates. You can use a certificate stored in a .PFX file.
The following code snippet executes the following actions:
- Creates a PKCS#7 signature with a certificate stored in a .PFX file,
- Applies a digital signature to a new and existing form field,
- Signs a document with these signatures.
using System;
using DevExpress.Pdf;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using DevExpress.Office.DigitalSignatures;
// Load a document to sign:
using (var signer = new PdfDocumentSigner("Document.pdf"))
// Specify the name and location of the signature field
var signatureFieldInfo = new PdfSignatureFieldInfo(1);
signatureFieldInfo.Name = "SignatureField";
signatureFieldInfo.SignatureBounds = new PdfRectangle(20, 20, 150, 150);
signatureFieldInfo.RotationAngle = PdfAcroFormFieldRotation.Rotate90;
// Create a PKCS#7 signature:
Pkcs7Signer pkcs7Signature = new Pkcs7Signer("Signing Documents/certificate.pfx", "123",
// Apply a signature to a newly created signature field:
var cooperSignature = new PdfSignatureBuilder(pkcs7Signature, signatureFieldInfo);
// Specify an image and signer information:
cooperSignature.SetImageData(File.ReadAllBytes("Signing Documents//JaneCooper.jpg"));
cooperSignature.Location = "USA";
cooperSignature.Name = "Jane Cooper";
cooperSignature.Reason = "Acknowledgement";
// Apply a signature to an existing form field:
var santuzzaSignature = new PdfSignatureBuilder(pkcs7Signature, "Sign");
// Specify an image and signer information:
santuzzaSignature.SetImageData(File.ReadAllBytes("Signing Documents//SantuzzaValentina.jpg"));
santuzzaSignature.Location = "Australia";
santuzzaSignature.Name = "Santuzza Valentina";
santuzzaSignature.Reason = "I Agree";
// Add signatures to an array:
PdfSignatureBuilder[] signatures = { cooperSignature, santuzzaSignature };
// Sign and save the document:
signer.SaveDocument("SignedDocument.pdf", signatures);