How to: Protect a PDF Document with a Password
- 2 minutes to read
You need a license for the DevExpress Office File API Subscription or DevExpress Universal Subscription to use these examples in production code.
This example shows how a PDF document can be protected using both the owner and user passwords.
Refer to the following topic for more information: Document Protection
using DevExpress.Pdf;
namespace PDFPasswordProtection
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
using (PdfDocumentProcessor pdfDocumentProcessor = new PdfDocumentProcessor()) {
// Load a PDF document.
// Specify printing, data extraction, modification, and interactivity permissions.
PdfEncryptionOptions encryptionOptions = new PdfEncryptionOptions();
encryptionOptions.PrintingPermissions = PdfDocumentPrintingPermissions.Allowed;
encryptionOptions.DataExtractionPermissions = PdfDocumentDataExtractionPermissions.NotAllowed;
encryptionOptions.ModificationPermissions = PdfDocumentModificationPermissions.DocumentAssembling;
encryptionOptions.InteractivityPermissions = PdfDocumentInteractivityPermissions.Allowed;
// Specify the owner and user passwords for the document.
encryptionOptions.OwnerPasswordString = "OwnerPassword";
encryptionOptions.UserPasswordString = "UserPassword";
// Specify the 256-bit AES encryption algorithm.
encryptionOptions.Algorithm = PdfEncryptionAlgorithm.AES256;
// Save the protected document with encryption settings.
pdfDocumentProcessor.SaveDocument("..\\..\\ProtectedDocument.pdf", new PdfSaveOptions() { EncryptionOptions = encryptionOptions });
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