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Date and Time Format Switch

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\@ [ “ ] switch-argument [ “ ]

Word Processing Document API supports the following date and time format codes:

Specifier Description Sample Result
d Displays the day as a number, 1 through 31 . 5
dd Displays the day as a number, 01 through 31 . 05
ddd Displays the 3-letter day of the week abbreviation according to the current culture. Fri
dddd Displays the full day of the week according to the current culture. Friday
M Displays the month as a number, 1 through 12. 6
MM Displays the month as a number, 01 through 12. 06
MMM Displays the 3-letter month abbreviation according to the current culture. Nov
MMMM Displays the full month name according to the current culture. November
yy Displays the 2-digit year. 20
yyyy Displays 4-digit year. 2020
h Displays the hour on 12-hour clock, 1 through 12 4
H Displays the hour on 12-hour clock, 01 through 12 04
hh Displays the hour on 24-hour clock, 0 to 23. 4 or 20
HH Displays the hour on 24-hour clock, 00 to 23. 04 or 20
m Displays minutes, 0 to 59. 8
mm Displays minutes, 00 to 59. 08
am/pm Displays time using am/pm notation, lowercase. 04:20 AM
AM/PM Displays time using am/pm notation, uppercase. 04:20 am
ss Displays seconds, 01 to 59. 05


  1. Field code {DATE \@ “‘Today is ‘MMM. d, yyyy”} results in Today is Dec. 29, 2011
  2. Field code {DATE \@ “‘Current time is ‘HH:mm:ss”} results in Current time is 17:13:15