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DrawerView Members

The view that can show / hide a panel with navigation information and another data the end user may require (for example, account information).


Name Description
DrawerView() Initializes a new DrawerView instance with the default settings.


Name Description
AreGesturesEnabledProperty static Identifies the AreGesturesEnabled dependency property.
DrawerBackgroundColorProperty static Identifies the DrawerBackgroundColor dependency property.
DrawerBehaviorProperty static Identifies the DrawerBehavior dependency property.
DrawerContentHeightProperty static Identifies the DrawerContentHeight dependency property.
DrawerContentMaxHeightProperty static Identifies the DrawerContentMaxHeight dependency property.
DrawerContentMinHeightProperty static Identifies the DrawerContentMinHeight dependency property.
DrawerContentProperty static Identifies the DrawerContent dependency property.
DrawerFooterContentProperty static Identifies the DrawerFooterContent dependency property.
DrawerFooterHeightProperty static Identifies the DrawerFooterHeight dependency property.
DrawerFooterMaxHeightProperty static Identifies the DrawerFooterMaxHeight dependency property.
DrawerFooterMinHeightProperty static Identifies the DrawerFooterMinHeight dependency property.
DrawerHeaderContentProperty static Identifies the DrawerHeaderContent dependency property.
DrawerHeaderHeightProperty static Identifies the DrawerHeaderHeight dependency property.
DrawerHeaderMaxHeightProperty static Identifies the DrawerHeaderMaxHeight dependency property.
DrawerHeaderMinHeightProperty static Identifies the DrawerHeaderMinHeight dependency property.
DrawerHeightProperty static Identifies the DrawerMaxHeight dependency property.
DrawerMaxHeightProperty static Identifies the DrawerMaxHeight dependency property.
DrawerMaxWidthProperty static Identifies the DrawerMaxWidth dependency property.
DrawerMinHeightProperty static Identifies the DrawerMinHeight dependency property.
DrawerMinWidthProperty static Identifies the DrawerMinWidth dependency property.
DrawerPositionProperty static Identifies the DrawerPosition dependency property.
DrawerShadowColorProperty static Identifies the DrawerShadowColor dependency property.
DrawerShadowHeightProperty static Identifies the DrawerShadowHeight dependency property.
DrawerShadowRadiusProperty static Identifies the DrawerShadowRadius dependency property.
DrawerWidthProperty static Identifies the DrawerWidth dependency property.
IsDrawerOpenedProperty static Identifies the IsDrawerOpened dependency property.
IsDrawerShadowVisibleProperty static Identifies the IsDrawerShadowVisible dependency property.
IsScrimEnabledProperty static Identifies the IsScrimEnabled dependency property.
MainContentProperty static Identifies the MainContent dependency property.
ScrimColorProperty static Identifies the ScrimColor dependency property.


Name Description
AreGesturesEnabled Gets or sets whether users can use gestures to open / close the drawer.
DrawerBackgroundColor Gets or sets the color the view uses to paint the Drawer background.
DrawerBehavior Gets or sets how the Drawer behaves on opening / closing.
DrawerContent Gets or sets a view the DrawerView displays as the Drawer content.
DrawerContentHeight Gets or sets the height of the drawer content view.
DrawerContentMaxHeight Gets or sets the maximum height of the the drawer content view.
DrawerContentMinHeight Gets or sets the minimum height of the the drawer content view.
DrawerFooterContent Gets or sets a view the DrawerView displays as the Drawer footer.
DrawerFooterHeight Gets or sets the height of the drawer footer view.
DrawerFooterMaxHeight Gets or sets the maximum height of the the drawer footer view.
DrawerFooterMinHeight Gets or sets the minimum height of the the drawer footer view.
DrawerHeaderContent Gets or sets a view the DrawerView displays as the Drawer header.
DrawerHeaderHeight Gets or sets the height of the drawer header view.
DrawerHeaderMaxHeight Gets or sets the maximum height of the the drawer header view.
DrawerHeaderMinHeight Gets or sets the minimum height of the the drawer header view.
DrawerHeight Gets or sets the height of the Drawer when DrawerPosition is set to Top or Bottom.
DrawerMaxHeight Gets or sets the maximum height of the Drawer when DrawerPosition is set to Top or Bottom.
DrawerMaxWidth Gets or sets the maximum width of the Drawer when DrawerPosition is set to Left or Right.
DrawerMinHeight Gets or sets the minimum height of the Drawer when DrawerPosition is set to Top or Bottom.
DrawerMinWidth Gets or sets the minimum width of the Drawer when DrawerPosition is set to Left or Right.
DrawerPosition Gets or sets the edge out of which the Drawer moves out.
DrawerShadowColor Gets or sets the color the view uses to paint the Drawer shadow.
DrawerShadowHeight Gets or sets the height of the shadow the Drawer casts.
DrawerShadowRadius Gets or sets the blur radius of the shadow the Drawer casts.
DrawerWidth Gets or sets the width of the Drawer when DrawerPosition is set to Left or Right.
IsDrawerOpened Gets or sets whether the Drawer is opened.
IsDrawerShadowVisible Gets or sets whether the Drawer’s shadow is visible.
IsScrimEnabled Gets or sets whether the view shows the Scrim when the Drawer is opened.
MainContent Gets or sets a view the DrawerView displays in the Main Area.
ScrimColor Gets or sets the color the view uses to paint the Scrim.
See Also