TextEdit Fields
A single-line text editor.Name | Description |
AffixColorProperty static | Identifies the AffixColor dependency property. |
AffixFontAttributesProperty static | Identifies the AffixFontAttributes dependency property. |
AffixFontFamilyProperty static | Identifies the AffixFontFamily dependency property. |
AffixFontSizeProperty static | Identifies the AffixFontSize dependency property. |
AffixIndentProperty static | Identifies the AffixIndent dependency property. |
AllowAnimationProperty static | Identifies the AllowAnimation bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
AutofillContentTypeProperty static | Identifies the AutofillContentType dependency property. |
BorderColorProperty static | Identifies the BorderColor bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
BorderThicknessProperty static | Identifies the BorderThickness bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
BottomTextFontAttributesProperty static | Identifies the BottomTextFontAttributes bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
BottomTextFontFamilyProperty static | Identifies the BottomTextFontFamily bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
BottomTextFontSizeProperty static | Identifies the BottomTextFontSize bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
BottomTextTopIndentProperty static | Identifies the BottomTextTopIndent bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
BoxHeightProperty static | Identifies the BoxHeight dependency property. Inherited from EditBase. |
BoxMarginProperty static | Identifies the BoxMargin dependency property. Inherited from EditBase. |
BoxMinHeightProperty static | Identifies the BoxMinHeight dependency property. Inherited from EditBase. |
BoxMinWidthProperty static | Identifies the BoxMinWidth dependency property. Inherited from EditBase. |
BoxModeProperty static | Identifies the BoxMode bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
BoxPaddingProperty static | Identifies the BoxPadding bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
CharacterCasingProperty static | Identifies the CharacterCasing dependency property. Inherited from EditBase. |
CharacterCounterIndentProperty static | Identifies the CharacterCounterIndent bindable property. Inherited from TextEditBase. |
ClearIconColorProperty static | Identifies the ClearIconColor dependency property. Inherited from EditBase. |
ClearIconCommandParameterProperty static | Identifies the ClearIconCommandParameter dependency property. Inherited from EditBase. |
ClearIconCommandProperty static | Identifies the ClearIconCommand dependency property. Inherited from EditBase. |
ClearIconProperty static | Identifies the ClearIcon dependency property. Inherited from EditBase. |
ClearIconVisibilityProperty static | Identifies the ClearIconVisibility dependency property. Inherited from EditBase. |
CornerModeProperty static | Identifies the CornerMode bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
CornerRadiusProperty static | Identifies the CornerRadius dependency property. Inherited from EditBase. |
CursorColorProperty static | Identifies the CursorColor dependency property. Inherited from EditBase. |
CursorPositionProperty static | Identifies the CursorPosition bindable property. Inherited from TextEditBase. |
DisabledAffixColorProperty static | Identifies the DisabledAffixColor dependency property. |
DisabledBackgroundColorProperty static | Identifies the DisabledBackgroundColor dependency property. Inherited from EditBase. |
DisabledBorderColorProperty static | Identifies the DisabledBorderColor bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
DisabledBorderThicknessProperty static | Identifies the DisabledBorderThickness bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
DisabledHelpTextColorProperty static | Identifies the DisabledHelpTextColor bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
DisabledIconColorProperty static | Identifies the DisabledIconColor bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
DisabledLabelColorProperty static | Identifies the DisabledLabelColor bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
DisabledTextColorProperty static | Identifies the DisabledTextColor bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
DisplayFormatProperty static | Identifies the DisplayFormat bindable property. |
DisplayTextProperty static | Identifies the DisplayText dependency property. Inherited from EditBase. |
EndIconColorProperty static | Identifies the EndIconColor dependency property. Inherited from EditBase. |
EndIconCommandParameterProperty static | Identifies the EndIconCommandParameter bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
EndIconCommandProperty static | Identifies the EndIconCommand bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
EndIconProperty static | Identifies the EndIcon bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
ErrorColorProperty static | Identifies the ErrorColor bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
ErrorIconColorProperty static | Identifies the ErrorIconColor dependency property. Inherited from EditBase. |
ErrorIconCommandParameterProperty static | Identifies the ErrorIconCommandParameter bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
ErrorIconCommandProperty static | Identifies the ErrorIconCommand bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
ErrorIconProperty static | Identifies the ErrorIcon bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
ErrorTextProperty static | Identifies the ErrorText bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
FocusedBorderColorProperty static | Identifies the FocusedBorderColor bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
FocusedBorderThicknessProperty static | Identifies the FocusedBorderThickness bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
FocusedLabelColorProperty static | Identifies the FocusedLabelColor bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
HasErrorProperty static | Identifies the HasError bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
HelpTextColorProperty static | Identifies the HelpTextColor bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
HelpTextProperty static | Identifies the HelpText bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
IconColorProperty static | Identifies the IconColor bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
IconIndentProperty static | Identifies the IconIndent bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
IconSpacingProperty static | Identifies the IconSpacing bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
IconVerticalAlignmentProperty static | Identifies the IconVerticalAlignment bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
IsEndIconVisibleProperty static | Identifies the IsEndIconVisible bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
IsErrorIconVisibleProperty static | Identifies the IsErrorIconVisible bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
IsLabelFloatingProperty static | Identifies the IsLabelFloating bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
IsReadOnlyProperty static | Identifies the IsReadOnly dependency property. Inherited from EditBase. |
IsStartIconVisibleProperty static | Identifies the IsStartIconVisible bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
KeyboardProperty static | Identifies the Keyboard dependency property. Inherited from TextEditBase. |
LabelColorProperty static | Identifies the LabelColor bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
LabelFontSizeProperty static | Identifies the LabelFontSize bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
LabelTextProperty static | Identifies the LabelText bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
MaskPlaceholderCharProperty static | Identifies the MaskPlaceholderChar bindable property. |
MaskProperty static | Identifies the Mask bindable property. |
MaxCharacterCountOverflowModeProperty static | Identifies the MaxCharacterCountOverflowMode dependency property. Inherited from TextEditBase. |
MaxCharacterCountProperty static | Identifies the MaxCharacterCount bindable property. Inherited from TextEditBase. |
PlaceholderColorProperty static | Identifies the PlaceholderColor bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
PlaceholderTextProperty static | Identifies the PlaceholderText dependency property. Inherited from EditBase. |
PrefixProperty static | Identifies the Prefix dependency property. |
ReserveBottomTextLineProperty static | Identifies the ReserveBottomTextLine bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
ReturnCommandParameterProperty static | Identifies the ReturnCommandParameter dependency property. Inherited from EditBase. |
ReturnCommandProperty static | Identifies the ReturnCommand dependency property. Inherited from EditBase. |
ReturnTypeProperty static | Identifies the ReturnType dependency property. Inherited from EditBase. |
SelectionLengthProperty static | Identifies the SelectionLength bindable property. Inherited from TextEditBase. |
SelectionStartProperty static | Identifies the SelectionStart dependency property. Inherited from TextEditBase. |
StartIconColorProperty static | Identifies the StartIconColor dependency property. Inherited from EditBase. |
StartIconCommandParameterProperty static | Identifies the StartIconCommandParameter bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
StartIconCommandProperty static | Identifies the StartIconCommand bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
StartIconProperty static | Identifies the StartIcon bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
SuffixProperty static | Identifies the Suffix dependency property. |
TextChangedCommandParameterProperty static | Identifies the TextChangedCommandParameter dependency property. Inherited from TextEditBase. |
TextChangedCommandProperty static | Identifies the TextChangedCommand dependency property. Inherited from TextEditBase. |
TextColorProperty static | Identifies the TextColor bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
TextFontAttributesProperty static | Identifies the TextFontAttributes bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
TextFontFamilyProperty static | Identifies the TextFontFamily bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
TextFontSizeProperty static | Identifies the TextFontSize bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
TextHorizontalAlignmentProperty static | Identifies the TextHorizontalAlignment bindable property. Inherited from EditBase. |
TextProperty static | Identifies the Text bindable property. Inherited from TextEditBase. |
See Also