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DateEdit Class

An editor that displays a date in a specific format. Users can select a date within a cross-platform customizable date picker.

Namespace: DevExpress.XamarinForms.Editors

Assembly: DevExpress.XamarinForms.Editors.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.XamarinForms.Editors


public class DateEdit :


The DateEdit allows users to enter a date. The image below illustrates an account form that allows a user to enter a birth date.

DevExpress Date Editor for Xamarin.Forms - Account Form

The editor initially displays a date icon on the right within the box. You can also add the following optional elements:

DateEdit - Elements

1. Custom Icon    2. Label    3. Date Icon    4. Help Text    5. Error Message


Use the Date property to set or get the date in the editor. The MinDate and MaxDate properties specify the minimum and maximum allowed dates and limit user input to the specified range.

Use the DateChangedCommand and DateChangedCommandParameter properties to specify a command executed when the date changes. You can also handle the DateChanged event to respond to date changes.

Use the following properties to change the appearance and alignment of the date in the box:



TextColor / DisabledTextColor

Specify the text color for each state of the editor.


Specify the font settings of a date displayed in the editor.


Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of a date displayed in the editor.

#Date Format

The DisplayFormat property defines the format of a date displayed in the editor.

You can use standard or custom format specifiers (see the MSDN topics Standard date and time format strings and Custom date and time format strings) to create format patterns, for example:

<dxe:DateEdit DisplayFormat="d"/>


<dxe:DateEdit DisplayFormat=""ddd d MMM""/>


#Date Picker

A date picker appears when a user taps the editor. The default date picker is the same on iOS and Android, which ensures a consistent look and feel for your app on both platforms.

DevExpress Date Editor for Xamarin.Forms - Date Picker

To invoke the picker in code, use the IsPickerShown property.

#Appearance Customization

You can customize the appearance of the following visual elements in the calendar: days, months, years, days of the week, and header. You can set a custom style for all such visual elements, as well as for specific days/months/years. A style allows you to specify background and foreground colors, and fonts. You can also replace the default data template used to render a visual element.

DevExpress Date Editor for Xamarin.Forms - Calendar - Views and Visual Elements

  1. Day View
  2. Month View
  3. Year View
  4. Calendar Header
  5. Day of Week
  6. Day
  7. Trailing Day
  8. Month
  9. Year

The table below contains options that you can use to apply custom styles and templates to visual elements.

Style for All Elements Style for Specific Elements Template Description
PickerDayCellStyle PickerCustomDayCellStyle PickerDayCellTemplate Allow you to customize days.
PickerDayOfWeekCellStyle PickerCustomDayOfWeekCellStyle PickerDayOfWeekCellTemplate Allow you to customize days of the week.
PickerMonthCellStyle PickerCustomMonthCellStyle PickerMonthCellTemplate Allow you to customize months.
PickerYearCellStyle PickerCustomYearCellStyle PickerYearCellTemplate Allow you to customize years.
PickerHeaderStyle Allow you to customize the calendar’s header.

To obtain or set the view in code, use the PickerActiveViewType property. You can also use the following options to specify the display of the calendar:

Property Description
PickerCellMinSize Gets or sets the minimum size of cells in the default picker.
PickerFirstDayOfWeek Gets or sets the first day of the week in the default picker.
PickerHorizontalCellSpacing Gets or sets the horizontal spacing between cells in the default picker.
PickerVerticalCellSpacing Gets or sets the vertical spacing between cells in the default picker.
PickerShowTrailingDays Gets or sets whether days related to the previous and next months are displayed in the default picker.

#Example 1

The example below show how to apply custom appearance settings to days, days of week, and the calendar’s header.

DevExpress Calendar for Xamarin.Forms - Custom Appearance Settings

        <dxe:CalendarHeaderStyle TextColor="#F44848"/>
        <dxe:CalendarDayCellStyle FontAttributes="Bold,Italic"
        <dxe:CalendarDayOfWeekCellStyle FontAttributes="Bold,Italic"

#Example 2

The example below shows how to apply a custom style to a specific day.

Custom Day Style

using DevExpress.XamarinForms.Editors;

void CustomDayCellStyle(object sender, CustomSelectableCellStyleEventArgs e) {
    if(e.Date.Month == 2 && e.Date.Day == 14) {
        e.FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold;
        e.EllipseBackgroundColor = Color.FromRgba(e.TextColor.R, e.TextColor.G, e.TextColor.B, 0.15);

    if(e.Date.Month == 2 && e.Date.Day == 21) {
        e.FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold;
        Color textColor = Color.FromHex("F44848");
        e.EllipseBackgroundColor = Color.FromRgba(textColor.R, textColor.G, textColor.B, 0.25);
        e.TextColor = textColor;

#Example 3

The example below shows how to apply a custom style to weekends (days in the calendar and days of the week).

Custom Day of Week Style

using DevExpress.XamarinForms.Editors;

void CustomDayCellStyle(object sender, CustomSelectableCellStyleEventArgs e) {
    if (e.Date.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday || e.Date.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday) {
        e.TextColor = Color.FromHex("F44848");
            e.TextColor = Color.FromRgba(e.TextColor.R, e.TextColor.G, e.TextColor.B, 0.5);

private void CustomDayOfWeekCellStyle(object sender, CustomDayOfWeekCellStyleEventArgs e) {
    if(e.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday || e.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
        e.TextColor = Color.FromHex("F44848");

#Native Picker

The editor can also use a native picker, which varies depending on the platform. Enable the UseNativePicker option to display the platform-specific picker.

DevExpress Date Editor for Xamarin.Forms - Date Picker


Customization options described above are only in effect for the default picker.


The LabelText property specifies the editor’s input prompt string. The label is displayed inside the editor while the editor is not focused. When the editor gets focus, the label moves to the top. If a value is assigned to the editor, the label is always displayed at the top.

DateEdit Label

To pin the label to the top of the editor, set the IsLabelFloating property to false.

To customize the label’s appearance, use the following properties:



LabelColor / FocusedLabelColor
DisabledLabelColor / ErrorColor

Specify the label’s color for each state of the editor.


Specify the label’s font settings.


A placeholder (PlaceholderText) is the input prompt string displayed within the edit box when the editor is empty and focused.

To specify the color of the placeholder text, use the PlaceholderColor property.

#Help Text and Error Message

You can display the following labels below an editor:

The BottomTextTopIndent property specifies the indent between the editor’s bottom border and the help or error text.

To specify the color and font attributes for the help/error text, use the following properties:




Specify the help text color for different states of an editor.


Specifies the error message text color.


Specify font settings.

If HelpText is not set, ErrorText appears as an additional line below the edit box and page content shifts down. To prevent this behavior, set the ReserveBottomTextLine property to true.


If the editor’s AutofillContentType property is set to AndroidBirthDate or AndroidCreditCardExpirationDate, the user can automatically fill the editor with an appropriate date. Note that the device should have an enabled autofill service that contains the required values (names, dates, passwords, and so on).


The date editor can display icons within its box.

  • Date icon - indicates a date editor.
  • Clear icon - removes a date selected in the editor.
  • Error icon - appears in the error state (HasError is true).
  • Custom icons - can be shown on the left or right within the box.

DateEdit - Icons

Use the following members to manage the editor’s icons:




Date Icon


Allows you to replace the default date icon image with a custom icon.

DateIconClicked / DateIconCommand

Allow you to perform an action when a user taps the date icon.


Specifies the date icon’s color.


Specifies whether the date icon is visible.

Clear Icon


Specifies when the clear icon is displayed.


Specifies the clear icon image.


Specifies the clear icon’s color.

ClearIconClicked / ClearIconCommand

Allow you to assign an additional action to the clear icon.

Error Icon


Allows you to replace the default error icon image with a custom one.

ErrorIconClicked / ErrorIconCommand

Allow you to perform an action when a user taps the error icon.


Specifies the error icon’s color.


Specifies whether the error icon is visible.

Custom Icons

StartIcon / EndIcon

Specify custom icons displayed on the left and right within the editor.

StartIconClicked / StartIconCommand
EndIconClicked / EndIconCommand

Allow you to set actions that occur when a user taps custom icons.

StartIconColor / EndIconColor

Specify icon colors.

IsStartIconVisible / IsEndIconVisible

Specify whether custom icons are visible.


IconColor / DisabledIconColor

Specify icon color for each state of the editor.


Specifies the distance between an icon and input text (or prefix/suffix, if any).


Specifies the distance between icons.


Specifies the vertical alignment of icons.

#User Interaction

Editors raise the following events on user interaction:

  • Tap - Fires when the user taps the editor.
  • DoubleTap - Fires when the user double taps the editor.
  • LongPress - Fires when the user presses and holds the editor.

#Editor Appearance

The editor appears as follows depending on the current state and specified BoxMode:

Editor State

BoxMode = Outlined (default)

BoxMode = Filled


DateEdit Outlined - Inactive

DateEdit Filled - Inactive


DateEdit Outlined - Focused

DateEdit Filled - Focused


DateEdit Outlined - Activated

DateEdit Filled - Activated


DateEdit Outlined - Error

DateEdit Filled - Error


DateEdit Outlined - Disabled

DateEdit Filled - Disabled

Use the following properties to change the appearance of the edit box and its borders:




Specify the border color for each state of the editor.


Specifies the color of the edit box borders, label, and error icon and error message if there is an input error.


Specify the border thickness for each state of the editor.


Specifies whether edit box corners are rounded or cut.


Specifies the radius of the edit box corners.


Specifies the edit box fill color.


Specifies the amount of space between edit box borders and content.

The CursorColor property specifies the color of the input cursor. To specify the text color, use the TextColor property.




See Also