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ItemsEditBase Properties
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Name Description
AllowAnimation Specifies whether the editor’s floating label moves with a smooth animation effect. Inherited from EditBase.
BorderColor Gets or sets the color of the editor box borders. Inherited from EditBase.
BorderThickness Gets or sets the thickness of the editor box borders. Inherited from EditBase.
BottomTextFontAttributes Gets or sets whether the editor’s help and error text is bold or italic. Inherited from EditBase.
BottomTextFontFamily Gets or sets the font family name for the editor’s help and error text. Inherited from EditBase.
BottomTextFontSize Gets or sets the font size of the editor’s help and error text. Inherited from EditBase.
BottomTextTopIndent Gets or sets the distance between the editor’s bottom border and help/error text. Inherited from EditBase.
BoxHeight Gets or sets the edit box height. Inherited from EditBase.
BoxMargin Gets the margin of the edit box inside the editor. Inherited from EditBase.
BoxMinHeight Gets or sets the minimum edit box height. Inherited from EditBase.
BoxMinWidth Gets or sets the minimum edit box width. Inherited from EditBase.
BoxMode Gets or sets whether a stroke is displayed around the entire editor box or for the bottom edge only. Inherited from EditBase.
BoxPadding Gets or sets the amount of space between borders of the edit box and its content. Inherited from EditBase.
CharacterCasing Gets or sets whether to automatically convert characters to lowercase or uppercase when a user enters text in the editor. Inherited from EditBase.
ClearIcon Specifies the clear icon image. Inherited from EditBase.
ClearIconColor Gets or sets the color of the clear icon. Inherited from EditBase.
ClearIconCommand Specifies the command executed when a user taps the clear icon. Inherited from EditBase.
ClearIconCommandParameter Specifies the parameter passed to the ClearIconCommand. Inherited from EditBase.
ClearIconVisibility Specifies when the clear icon is displayed. Inherited from EditBase.
CornerMode Gets or sets whether edit box corners are rounded or cut. Inherited from EditBase.
CornerRadius Gets or sets the corner radius of the edit box. Inherited from EditBase.
CursorColor Gets or sets the color of the input cursor. Inherited from EditBase.
DisabledBackgroundColor Gets or sets the edit box background in disabled state. Inherited from EditBase.
DisabledBorderColor Gets or sets the color of the editor box borders in a disabled state. Inherited from EditBase.
DisabledBorderThickness Gets or sets the thickness of the editor box borders in a disabled state. Inherited from EditBase.
DisabledHelpTextColor Specifies the color of the help text shown below the disabled editor. Inherited from EditBase.
DisabledIconColor Specifies the color for icons of the editor in a disabled state. Inherited from EditBase.
DisabledLabelColor Gets or sets the text color for the label of the editor in a disabled state. Inherited from EditBase.
DisabledTextColor Gets or sets the color of text entered into the editor in a disabled state. Inherited from EditBase.
DisplayMember Specifies the name of a data source field whose values are displayed as drop-down list items.
DisplayText Gets a string value that specifies the formatted text displayed in the editor. Inherited from EditBase.
DropDownBackgroundColor Specifies the drop-down list background color.
DropDownItemTextColor Specifies the color of the drop-down list items’ text.
DropDownSelectedItemBackgroundColor Specifies the background color of an item selected in the drop-down list.
DropDownSelectedItemTextColor Specifies the color of a selected item’s text in the drop-down list.
EndIcon Specifies the trailing icon image. Inherited from EditBase.
EndIconColor Gets or sets the color of a custom icon displayed at the editor’s far edge. Inherited from EditBase.
EndIconCommand Specifies the command executed when a user taps the trailing icon. Inherited from EditBase.
EndIconCommandParameter Specifies the parameter passed to the EndIconCommand. Inherited from EditBase.
ErrorColor Gets or sets the color of the edit box’s borders, label, error icon, and error message if there is an input error. Inherited from EditBase.
ErrorIcon Specifies the error icon image. Inherited from EditBase.
ErrorIconColor Gets or sets the color of an icon displayed when HasError is set to true. Inherited from EditBase.
ErrorIconCommand Specifies the command executed when a user taps the error icon. Inherited from EditBase.
ErrorIconCommandParameter Specifies the parameter passed to the ErrorIconCommand. Inherited from EditBase.
ErrorText Specifies the text message that appears below the editor in an error state. Inherited from EditBase.
FocusedBorderColor Gets or sets the color of the editor box borders in the focused state. Inherited from EditBase.
FocusedBorderThickness Gets or sets the thickness of the editor box borders in a focused state. Inherited from EditBase.
FocusedLabelColor Gets or sets the text color for the label of the editor in a focused state. Inherited from EditBase.
HasError Allows you to switch the editor to an error state. Inherited from EditBase.
HelpText Specifies the input prompt text displayed below the edit box. Inherited from EditBase.
HelpTextColor Specifies the color of the help text shown below the edit box. Inherited from EditBase.
IconColor Specifies the color for editor icons. Inherited from EditBase.
IconIndent Gets or sets the distance between an icon and input text (affix). Inherited from EditBase.
IconSpacing Gets or sets the distance between icons. Inherited from EditBase.
IconVerticalAlignment Gets or sets the vertical alignment of icons. Inherited from EditBase.
IsDropDownOpen Gets or sets whether the drop-down list is open.
IsEndIconVisible Gets or sets whether the trailing icon is visible. Inherited from EditBase.
IsErrorIconVisible Gets or sets whether the error icon is visible. Inherited from EditBase.
IsLabelFloating Gets or sets whether the label changes its position depending on the editor state, or it is pinned to the top of the editor box. Inherited from EditBase.
IsReadOnly Gets or sets whether users can change a value in the editor. Inherited from EditBase.
IsStartIconVisible Gets or sets whether the leading icon is visible. Inherited from EditBase.
ItemsSource Specifies the collection used to generate the drop-down list items.
ItemTemplate Specifies the drop-down list item template.
LabelColor Gets or sets the text color for the label of the editor in an unfocused state. Inherited from EditBase.
LabelFontSize Gets or sets the font size of the editor’s label text. Inherited from EditBase.
LabelText Gets or sets the editor’s label text. Inherited from EditBase.
PlaceholderColor Specifies the placeholder color. Inherited from EditBase.
PlaceholderText Specifies the placeholder text. Inherited from EditBase.
ReserveBottomTextLine Allows you to reserve a line for the error text below the edit box. Inherited from EditBase.
ReturnCommand Specifies the command that is executed when a user taps the ‘Return’ button. Inherited from EditBase.
ReturnCommandParameter Specifies the parameter passed to the ReturnCommand. Inherited from EditBase.
ReturnType Specifies the appearance of the ‘Return’ button on the operating system’s on-screen keyboard. Inherited from EditBase.
StartIcon Specifies the leading icon image. Inherited from EditBase.
StartIconColor Gets or sets the color of a custom icon displayed at the editor’s near edge. Inherited from EditBase.
StartIconCommand Specifies the command executed when a user taps the leading icon. Inherited from EditBase.
StartIconCommandParameter Specifies the parameter passed to the StartIconCommand. Inherited from EditBase.
TextColor Gets or sets the color of text entered into the editor. Inherited from EditBase.
TextFontAttributes Gets or sets the font style that the editor uses for input text, label and placeholder. Inherited from EditBase.
TextFontFamily Gets or sets the font family that the editor uses for input text, label and placeholder. Inherited from EditBase.
TextFontSize Gets or sets the font size of text entered into the editor. Inherited from EditBase.
TextHorizontalAlignment Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of text entered in the editor. Inherited from EditBase.
See Also