Getting Started
- 7 minutes to read
This lesson explains how to add a Navigation Drawer to your Xamarin.Forms application:
#Add a Drawer View to Your Application
This lesson requires an empty Xamarin.
DevExpress Navigation components are available for i
Add DevExpress Navigation components to your solution in one of the following ways:
Install the NuGet package
Visual Studio- Obtain your NuGet feed URL
Register the DevExpress NuGet feed as a package source.
Navigate to Tools | Options | NuGet Package Manager | Package Source and add the DevExpress feed to the list of package sources.Install the DevExpress.XamarinForms.Navigation package from the DevExpress NuGet feed.
- Select Tools | NuGet Package Manager | Manage NuGet Packages for Solution… in Visual Studio’s main menu, or right-click the solution in Solution Explorer and select Manage NuGet Packages for Solution….
Search for DevExpress.XamarinForms.Navigation in the DevExpress package source, select all the solution’s projects and click Install.
Visual Studio for Mac- Obtain your NuGet feed URL
Register the DevExpress NuGet feed as a package source.
Navigate to Visual Studio | Preferences | NuGet | Sources and add the DevExpress feed to the list of sources.Install the DevExpress.XamarinForms.Navigation package from the DevExpress NuGet feed.
- Select Project | Manage NuGet Packages… in the main menu, or right-click the solution in Solution Pad and select Manage NuGet Packages…
In the invoked Manage NuGet Packages dialog, select DevExpress from the Source drop-down list in the top left corner, search for DevExpress.XamarinForms.Navigation and click Add Package.
Select all the solution’s projects in the invoked Select Projects dialog and click Ok.
– or –
Add libraries from the downloaded bundle
- Download the Mobile UI Controls for Xamarin.Forms bundle from the Client Center.
Add the following assembly references to your Xamarin.Forms solution’s projects:
App Name> (A .NET Standard project that contains the shared code)
Xamarin Forms. Core. dll DevExpress.
Xamarin Forms. Navigation. dll <Your
App Name>. Android (A project that contains Android-specific code)
Xamarin Forms. Navigation. Android. dll DevExpress.
Xamarin. Android. Navigation. dll <Your
App Name>. i OS (A project that contains i
OS-specific code) DevExpress.
Xamarin Forms. Navigation. i OS. dll DevExpress.
Xamarin. i OS. Navigation. dll Note
These files are in the <DevExpress.
Xamarin bundle>/Binaries directory. Ensure the downloaded <DevExpress.Xamarin> bundle was unzipped.
Add the initialization code to your projects.
In the AppDelegate.cs file of the iOS project, before the LoadApplication method call:
In the App.xaml.cs file of the project with the shared code, before the InitializeComponent method call:
Assign a DrawerView instance to the MainPage’s Content property:
<!-- The page declares the dxn namespace that contains the DrawerView class. --> <ContentPage xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:dxn="clr-namespace:DevExpress.XamarinForms.Navigation;assembly=DevExpress.XamarinForms.Navigation" xmlns:views="clr-namespace:DrawerSample.Views" x:Class="DrawerSample.Views.MainPage"> <dxn:DrawerView> </dxn:DrawerView> </ContentPage>
#Prepare Models and View Models
Add the Vehicle class, which represents a data object in the app, to the Xamarin.Forms project:
namespace DrawerSample.Models { public class Vehicle { public string MakeName { get; } public string ModelName { get; } public string FullName => $"{MakeName} {ModelName}"; public Vehicle(string make, string model) { this.MakeName = make; this.ModelName = model; } } }
Create the GroupedVehiclesViewModel class that is a content view model. This view model contains content the drawer displays in the main content area and a title of a list item in the drawer:
namespace DrawerSample.ViewModels { public class GroupedVehiclesViewModel: INotifyPropertyChanged { private bool isSelected = false; public string GroupKey { get; } public IReadOnlyList<Vehicle> Vehicles { get; } // This property is used to change tab appearance depending on its state. public bool IsSelected { get { return isSelected; } set { if (value == isSelected) return; isSelected = value; RaisePropertyChanged(); } } public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; public GroupedVehiclesViewModel(string groupKey, IEnumerable<Vehicle> vehicles) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(groupKey)) { this.GroupKey = String.Empty; } else { this.GroupKey = groupKey; } if (vehicles == null) { this.Vehicles = new List<Vehicle>(); } else { this.Vehicles = vehicles.ToList(); } } private void RaisePropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string caller = "") { PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged; if (handler != null) { handler.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(caller)); } } } }
Create the MainViewModel class that provides content displayed by the MainPage:
namespace DrawerSample.ViewModels { public class MainViewModel: INotifyPropertyChanged { private const int UnselectedIndex = -1; private static readonly IReadOnlyList<Vehicle> allVehicles = new List<Vehicle> { new Vehicle("Mercedes-Benz", "SL500 Roadster"), new Vehicle("Mercedes-Benz", "CLK55 AMG Cabriolet"), new Vehicle("Mercedes-Benz", "C230 Kompressor Sport Coupe"), new Vehicle("BMW", "530i"), new Vehicle("Rolls-Royce", "Corniche"), new Vehicle("Jaguar", "S-Type 3.0"), new Vehicle("Cadillac", "Seville"), new Vehicle("Cadillac", "DeVille"), new Vehicle("Lexus", "LS430"), new Vehicle("Lexus", "GS430"), new Vehicle("Ford", "Ranger FX-4"), new Vehicle("Dodge", "RAM 1500"), new Vehicle("GMC", "Siera Quadrasteer"), new Vehicle("Nissan", "Crew Cab SE"), new Vehicle("Toyota", "Tacoma S-Runner"), }; public IReadOnlyList<GroupedVehiclesViewModel> VehiclesByMake { get; } int selectedIndex = UnselectedIndex; public int SelectedIndex { get => selectedIndex; set { if (selectedIndex == value) return; if (selectedIndex != UnselectedIndex) { VehiclesByMake[selectedIndex].IsSelected = false; } selectedIndex = value; if (selectedIndex != UnselectedIndex) { VehiclesByMake[selectedIndex].IsSelected = true; } RaisePropertyChanged(); } } public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; public MainViewModel() { List<GroupedVehiclesViewModel> groupedVehiclesVMs = new List<GroupedVehiclesViewModel>(); groupedVehiclesVMs.Add(new GroupedVehiclesViewModel("All", allVehicles)); IEnumerable<IGrouping<string, Vehicle>> groupedVehicles = allVehicles.GroupBy(v => v.MakeName); foreach (IGrouping<string, Vehicle> vehiclesGroup in groupedVehicles) { groupedVehiclesVMs.Add(new GroupedVehiclesViewModel(vehiclesGroup.Key, vehiclesGroup)); } VehiclesByMake = groupedVehiclesVMs; } private void RaisePropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string caller = "") { PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged; if (handler != null) { handler.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(caller)); } } } }
#Bind View Models to the Drawer View
This step populates the drawer and the main area content.
Set the Main Page’s BindingContext property to
:<!-- Several attributes are skipped here. --> <ContentPage xmlns:viewmodel="clr-namespace:DrawerSample.ViewModels" x:Class="DrawerSample.Views.MainPage"> <ContentPage.BindingContext> <viewmodel:MainViewModel/> </ContentPage.BindingContext> <!-- Other Content Page Properties --> </ContentPage>
Assign a ListView instance to the DrawerView.DrawerContent property, and bind the list to the view model’s
property:<ContentPage.Content> <dxn:DrawerView> <dxn:DrawerView.DrawerContent> <ListView ItemsSource="{Binding VehiclesByMake}"> <ListView.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <TextCell Text="{Binding GroupKey}" /> </DataTemplate> </ListView.ItemTemplate> </ListView> </dxn:DrawerView.DrawerContent> </dxn:DrawerView> </ContentPage.Content>
Assign another ListView instance to the DrawerView.MainContent property, and bind the list to the drawer’s list selected item:
<ContentPage.Content> <dxn:DrawerView> <dxn:DrawerView.DrawerContent> <ListView x:Name="categoryList"> <!-- Other list view properties. --> </ListView> </dxn:DrawerView.DrawerContent> <dxn:DrawerView.MainContent> <ListView BindingContext="{x:Reference categoryList}" ItemsSource="{Binding SelectedItem.Vehicles}"> <ListView.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <TextCell Text="{Binding ModelName}"/> </DataTemplate> </ListView.ItemTemplate> </ListView> </dxn:DrawerView.MainContent> </dxn:DrawerView> </ContentPage.Content>
The following image demonstrates the current application state:
#Customize the Drawer View Appearance and Behavior
This step configures the drawer appearance, makes it to be always visible in the landscape orientation, and adds a button that toggles the drawer.
Implement the Main Page’s
dependency property:public partial class RootPage : ContentPage { const string IsLandscapeOrientedPropertyName = "IsLandscapeOriented"; public static readonly BindableProperty IsLandscapeOrientedProperty = BindableProperty.Create( IsLandscapeOrientedPropertyName, typeof(bool), typeof(RootPage), defaultValue: false); public bool IsLandscapeOriented { get => (bool)GetValue(IsLandscapeOrientedProperty); set => SetValue(IsLandscapeOrientedProperty, value); } public RootPage() { InitializeComponent(); SizeChanged += OnSizeChanged; } protected void OnSizeChanged(object sender, EventArgs args) { IsLandscapeOriented = this.Width > this.Height; } }
Implement a value converter that converts a Boolean value to a DrawerBehavior value:
class BoolToDrawerBehaviorConverter : IValueConverter { public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture) { if (targetType != typeof(DrawerBehavior)) return null; bool boolValue = (bool)value; return boolValue ? DrawerBehavior.Push : DrawerBehavior.SlideOnTop; } public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
Bind the DrawerView.DrawerBehavior property to Main Page’s
:<!-- Note that, several attributes are skipped. --> <ContentPage x:Name="self"> <ContentPage.Resources> <view:BoolToDrawerBehaviorConverter x:Key="boolToDrawerBehaviorConverter"/> </ContentPage.Resources> <ContentPage.Content> <dxn:DrawerView DrawerBehavior="{Binding IsLandscapeOriented, Source={x:Reference self}, Converter={StaticResource boolToDrawerBehaviorConverter}}"> </dxn:DrawerView> </ContentPage.Content> </ContentPage>
Assign a StackLayout to the NavigationPage.TitleView property. Add a button that toggles the drawer, and a label that displays a title text to the layout. Handle the button’s Clicked event:
<ContentPage> <NavigationPage.TitleView> <StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal" VerticalOptions="Center"> <Button Text="Menu" Clicked="OnMenuButtonClicked"/> <Label Text="Navigation Drawer Lesson" VerticalTextAlignment = "Center"/> </StackLayout> </NavigationPage.TitleView> <ContentPage.Content> <dxn:DrawerView x:Name="drawer"> <!-- Other drawer properties. --> </dxn:DrawerView> </ContentPage.Content> </ContentPage>
Customize the drawer’s size (DrawerWidth), shadow (DrawerShadowHeight, DrawerShadowColor, DrawerShadowRadius, IsDrawerShadowVisible), and scrim (ScrimColor, IsScrimEnabled):
<dxn:DrawerView DrawerWidth="180" IsScrimEnabled="true" DrawerShadowHeight="1" DrawerShadowColor="#808080" ScrimColor="#80000000"> <!-- Other drawer view properties. --> </dxn:DrawerView>
The scrim does not affect the view when view behavior is Split.
The application is finished and should look as follows when you launch it:
#Complete Code
You can clone the complete solution from GitHub.