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Trend Indicators

  • 6 minutes to read

The Web Dashboard allows you to display predefined trend indicators in Chart dashboard items. You can also create and register custom indicators.

Trend indicators are statistical tools used to analyze data and identify patterns or relationships between variables.

The following indicator types are available:

Trend Line
Displays the general direction of associated points. It is often used to identify existing data trends and can help forecast future trends.
Regression Line
Visualizes data using a mathematical formula that minimizes the distance between the line itself and associated data points. It is used to model the relationship between two variables and can be used to make predictions about one variable based on the value of another.
Custom Indicator
Allows you to implement your own custom indicator type.

Create a Trend Indicator in the UI

Click Trend Indicators in the Options dialog to open the Trend Indicators editor.

Trend Indicators Option

Click “+” to add a new trend indicator. The new indicator is generated with the default settings and automatically displayed in a chart dashboard item:

Add new indicator

You can change the following indicator settings:

The name of the trend indicator within the indicators collection.
The indicator type: Trend Line, Regression Line, or a Custom Type.
The measure data item that is used to calculate the trend indicator.
Value Level
The value that specifies which series point value should be used to calculate the indicator.
Display In Legend
Specifies whether to display the trend indicator in the legend.
Legend Text
The text that identifies the trend indicator within the legend.
Dash Style
The dash style used to paint the line.
The thickness of the indicator line.
The color for the trend indicator.
Specifies whether to display the trend indicator.

In the editor, select an indicator and click Edit or Delete to edit or delete the selected item.

Create a Trend Indicator in Code

You can create a trend indicator in code as follows:

  1. Create a ChartRegressionLine or ChartTrendLine object and specify its settings.

    This property is required to display the indicator in the Chart dashboard item when you launch the application:

    Specifies the measure data item that is used to calculate the trend indicator.

    If you do not specify the following properties, their default values are used:

    Specifies the name of the trend indicator within the indicators collection.
    Gets or sets the value that specifies which series point value should be used to calculate the indicator.
    Specifies whether to display the trend indicator in the legend.
    Specifies the text that identifies the trend indicator within the legend.
    Specifies the thickness of the indicator line.
    Specifies the trend indicator’s color.
    Specifies the dash style used to paint the line.
    Specifies whether to display the trend indicator.
  2. Add the created object to the ChartDashboardItem.Indicators collection to display the configured indicator in the UI.

The following example shows how to create a trend line at runtime:

Trend Line indicator

using DevExpress.DashboardCommon;
using System.Drawing;
// ...
public partial class CustomIndicatorDashboard : DevExpress.DashboardCommon.Dashboard {
    public CustomIndicatorDashboard() {
        ChartDashboardItem chartItem = Items.First(x => x.ComponentName == "chartDashboardItem1") as ChartDashboardItem;
        ChartTrendLine trendLine = new ChartTrendLine();
        SimpleSeries simpleSeries = chartItem.Panes[0].Series[0] as SimpleSeries;
        if (simpleSeries != null) {
            trendLine.Value = simpleSeries.Value.UniqueId;
        trendLine.Name = "SalesTrend";
        trendLine.ValueLevel = DevExpress.XtraCharts.ValueLevel.Value;
        trendLine.Color = Color.Orange;
        trendLine.LegendText = "Sales Trend";


Create a Custom Trend Indicator

Follow the instruction below to create a custom “Moving Average” indicator for a Chart dashboard item:

Custom Moving Indicator

View Example

Create a Custom Indicator Type

Create a ChartCustomIndicator descendant (the MovingIndicator class in this example). MovingIndicator accepts a collection of data points, evaluates the values, and returns the resulting points. These points are used to draw the indicator.

using DevExpress.DashboardCommon;
using DevExpress.DashboardCommon.ViewerData;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace asp_net_core_dashboard_control_trendline_indicators.Data {
    public class MovingIndicator : ChartCustomIndicator {
        protected override Dictionary<AxisPoint, object> Calculate(Dictionary<AxisPoint, decimal?> values) {
            var items = new Dictionary<AxisPoint, object>(values.Count);

            var sum = decimal.Zero;
            var count = 0;
            foreach(KeyValuePair<AxisPoint, decimal?> point in values) {
                if(count == 0) {
                    items.Add(point.Key, null);
                } else {
                    items.Add(point.Key, sum / count);
                sum += point.Value ?? 0;

            return items;

Register the Custom Indicator Type

Register the MovingIndicator type in IndicatorFactory to make this class available as an indicator type.

Call the Register method in your application before you save and load a dashboard to serialize and deserialize the indicator within the dashboard XML.

using DevExpress.DashboardWeb;
using TrendIndicators.Data;
// ...
    public static class DashboardUtils {
        public static DashboardConfigurator CreateDashboardConfigurator(IConfiguration configuration, IFileProvider fileProvider) {
            DashboardConfigurator configurator = new DashboardConfigurator();
            // ...
            IndicatorFactory.Register<MovingIndicator>("Moving average");
            return configurator;

Register the Extension

Register ChartIndicatorsExtension before the control is rendered to add the MovingIndicator type to the Trend Indicators editor.

function onBeforeRender(dashboardControl) {
    // ...
    dashboardControl.registerExtension(new DevExpress.Dashboard.Designer.ChartIndicatorsExtension(dashboardControl, {
        customIndicatorTypes: [ {
                type: 'MovingIndicator',
                displayName: 'Moving Average'

Configure and Display the Indicator

Open the Trend Indicators editor and add a new trend indicator. A new Moving Average type is available in the UI:

Add the indicator type to the Trend indicator editor