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DashboardToolbarItem Class

A toolbar item of a specified dashboard toolbar group.


export class DashboardToolbarItem


Create a new DashboardToolbarItem class instance and pass it with a group name to the addToolbarItem property to add a new item to the specified Toolbar‘s group:

var toolbarItem = new DevExpress.Dashboard.Designer.DashboardToolbarItem('toolbarItem1', function () { /* ... */ }, "toolbox-icon");
dashboardControl.findExtension('toolbox').addToolbarItem('undoRedo', toolbarItem);

To obtain a list of dashboard toolbar items in a specified group, get access to the ToolboxExtension extension and use the items method.

var toolbarItems = dashboardControl.findExtension('toolbox').toolbarGroups()[0].items();

#constructor(name, click)

Initializes a new instance of the DashboardToolbarItem class.


    name: string,
    click: (itemTypeName: string) => void,
    icon?: string,
    title?: string


Name Type Description
name string

A toolbar item’s unique name.

click (itemTypeName: string) => void

A function that is executed when a click occurs.

icon string

An icon in the SVG format that is displayed in the Toolbox.

title string

A toolbar item’s title.


#click Property

Specifies a custom function that is invoked when a click occurs.


click: (itemTypeName: string) => void

#Property Value

Type Description
(itemTypeName: string) => void

A function that is executed when a click occurs.

#disabled Property

Specifies whether a toolbar item should be disabled.


disabled: ko.Subscribable<boolean>

#Property Value

Type Description

true, if a toolbar item is disabled; otherwise, false.

#icon Property

Specifies the icon of the dashboard toolbar item.


icon: string

#Property Value

Type Description

A string value that is the icon id from the SVG definition.


Web Dashboard supports icons in the SVG format. To provide an icon for the toolbox element, add the SVG definition onto the page and assign the id value from the definition to the icon property.

See Predefined Colors for information on which color constants you can use to natively embed an icon in the Web Dashboard application.

The recommended icon size is 24 x 24 px.

#name Property

Specifies the unique name of the dashboard toolbar item.


name: string

#Property Value

Type Description

A string value that is a unique toolbar item name.


Use the name property value to address the toolbar item.

#template Property

Specifies a knockout extension template.


template: string

#Property Value

Type Description

A string value that is an id of the knockout template.


The code sample below shows you how to create a simple template for the toolbar. This template has a “dx-extension-button” id and consists of a button.

<script type="text/html" id="dx-extension-button">
    <div class='dx-viewer-button' data-bind="click: click, text: 'Edit'"></div>

To use this template for a dashboard toolbar, assign the id of the template to the template property.

To learn more about knockout templates, refer to Knockout Documentation.

#title Property

Specifies a dashboard toolbar item title.


title: string

#Property Value

Type Description

A string value that is a dashboard toolbar item title.