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DashboardDesigner.CustomizeDashboardTitleText Event


The CustomizeDashboardTitleText event is obsolete. Handle the CustomizeDashboardTitle event and use the e.Text property to specify the title text.

Allows you to customize the text displayed within the dashboard title at runtime.

Namespace: DevExpress.DashboardWin

Assembly: DevExpress.Dashboard.v24.2.Win.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Dashboard


[Obsolete("The CustomizeDashboardTitleText event is obsolete. Handle the CustomizeDashboardTitle event and use the e.Text property to specify the title text.")]
public event CustomizeDashboardTitleTextEventHandler CustomizeDashboardTitleText

#Event Data

The CustomizeDashboardTitleText event's data class is CustomizeDashboardTitleTextEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Text Gets or sets the text displayed within the dashboard title.



The DashboardDesigner.CustomizeDashboardTitleText event is obsolete, use the DashboardDesigner.CustomizeDashboardTitle event that provides event’s data using the CustomizeDashboardTitleEventArgs class instance.

The DashboardDesigner.CustomizeDashboardTitleText event occurs in the following cases:

The CustomizeDashboardTitleTextEventArgs.Text event parameter returns the default text specified for the dashboard title (DashboardTitle.Text) and allows you to specify the custom text to be displayed.

Note that changing the CustomizeDashboardTitleTextEventArgs.Text property does not change the title text specified using DashboardTitle.Text.

See Also