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ASPxClientDashboardViewer Methods

A client-side equivalent of the ASPxDashboardViewer control.
Name Description
BeginUpdateParameters() Locks the ASPxClientDashboardParameters object until the ASPxClientDashboardViewer.EndUpdateParameters method call.
CanClearMasterFilter(String) Returns whether the specified master filter can be cleared in the current state.
CanPerformDrillDown(String) Returns whether drill down is possible in the current state of the specified dashboard item.
CanPerformDrillUp(String) Returns whether drill up is possible in the current state of the specified dashboard item.
CanSetMasterFilter(String) Returns whether the specified master filter item allows selecting one or more elements.
Cast(Object) static Converts the specified object to the current object’s type. This method is effective when you utilize the Client API IntelliSense feature provided by DevExpress.
ClearMasterFilter(String) Clears the specified master filter item.
EndUpdateParameters() Unlocks the ASPxClientDashboardParameters object after a call to the ASPxClientDashboardViewer.BeginUpdateParameters method and applies changes made to the parameter settings.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
ExportDashboardItemToExcel(String, ASPxClientDashboardExportOptions, String) Obsolete. Exports a dashboard item to an Excel file with the specified export options and writes it to the Response.
ExportDashboardItemToExcel(String, ASPxClientDashboardExportOptions) Obsolete. Exports a dashboard item to an Excel file with the specified export options and writes it to the Response.
ExportDashboardItemToExcel(String, DashboardExcelExportOptions, String) Exports a dashboard item to an Excel file with the specified export options and writes it to the Response.
ExportDashboardItemToExcel(String, DashboardExcelExportOptions) Exports a dashboard item to an Excel file with the specified export options and writes it to the Response.
ExportDashboardItemToExcel(String) Exports a dashboard item to an Excel file and writes it to the Response.
ExportDashboardItemToImage(String, ASPxClientDashboardExportOptions, String) Obsolete. Exports a dashboard item to an Image file with the specified export options and writes it to the Response.
ExportDashboardItemToImage(String, ASPxClientDashboardExportOptions) Obsolete. Exports a dashboard item to an Image file with the specified export options and writes it to the Response.
ExportDashboardItemToImage(String, DashboardImageExportOptions, String) Exports a dashboard item to an Image file with the specified export options and writes it to the Response.
ExportDashboardItemToImage(String, DashboardImageExportOptions) Exports a dashboard item to an Image file with the specified export options and writes it to the Response.
ExportDashboardItemToImage(String) Exports a dashboard item to an Image file and writes it to the Response.
ExportDashboardItemToPdf(String, ASPxClientDashboardExportOptions, String) Obsolete. Exports a dashboard item to a PDF file with the specified export options and writes it to the Response.
ExportDashboardItemToPdf(String, ASPxClientDashboardExportOptions) Obsolete. Exports a dashboard item to a PDF file with the specified export options and writes it to the Response.
ExportDashboardItemToPdf(String, DashboardPdfExportOptions, String) Exports a dashboard item to a PDF file with the specified export options and writes it to the Response.
ExportDashboardItemToPdf(String, DashboardPdfExportOptions) Exports a dashboard item to a PDF file with the specified export options and writes it to the Response.
ExportDashboardItemToPdf(String) Exports a dashboard item to a PDF file and writes it to the Response.
ExportToExcel() Exports dashboard data to the specified file in Excel format.
ExportToExcel(DashboardImageExportOptions, String) Exports dashboard data to the specified file in Excel format.
ExportToExcel(DashboardImageExportOptions) Exports dashboard data to the specified file in Excel format.
ExportToImage() Exports a dashboard to an Image file and writes it to the Response.
ExportToImage(ASPxClientDashboardExportOptions, String) Obsolete. Exports a dashboard to an Image file with the specified export options and writes it to the Response.
ExportToImage(ASPxClientDashboardExportOptions) Obsolete. Exports a dashboard to an Image file with the specified export options and writes it to the Response.
ExportToImage(DashboardImageExportOptions, String) Exports a dashboard to an Image file with the specified export options and writes it to the Response.
ExportToImage(DashboardImageExportOptions) Exports a dashboard to an Image file with the specified export options and writes it to the Response.
ExportToPdf() Exports a dashboard to a PDF file and writes it to the Response.
ExportToPdf(ASPxClientDashboardExportOptions, String) Obsolete. Exports a dashboard to a PDF file with the specified export options and writes it to the Response.
ExportToPdf(ASPxClientDashboardExportOptions) Obsolete. Exports a dashboard to a PDF file with the specified export options and writes it to the Response.
ExportToPdf(DashboardPdfExportOptions, String) Exports a dashboard to a PDF file with the specified export options and writes it to the Response.
ExportToPdf(DashboardPdfExportOptions) Exports a dashboard to a PDF file with the specified export options and writes it to the Response.
GetAvailableDrillDownValues(String) Returns axis point tuples identifying elements that can be used to perform drill-down in the specified dashboard item.
GetAvailableFilterValues(String) Returns axis point tuples identifying elements that can be selected in the current state of the master filter item.
GetAvailablePredefinedRanges(String) Returns names of the predefined ranges available for the specified Range Filter.
GetCurrentDrillDownValues(String) Returns the axis point tuple identifying the current drill-down state.
GetCurrentFilterValues(String) Returns axis point tuples identifying currently selected elements in the master filter item.
GetCurrentPredefinedRange(String) Returns the name of the currently selected predefined range.
GetCurrentRange(String) Returns the currently selected range in the specified Range Filter dashboard item.
GetCurrentSelection(String) Returns currently selected elements in the master filter item.
GetEntireRange(String) Returns the visible range for the specified Range Filter dashboard item.
GetExcelExportOptions() Allows you to obtain options related to exporting a dashboard/dashboard item to the Excel format.
GetExportOptions() Obsolete. Returns settings that specify parameters affecting how the dashboard is exported.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetHeight() Returns the dashboard height.
GetImageExportOptions() Allows you to obtain options related to exporting a dashboard/dashboard item to an image.
GetItemData(String) Returns the client data for the specified dashboard item.
GetParameters() Returns dashboard parameter settings and metadata.
GetPdfExportOptions() Allows you to obtain options related to exporting a dashboard/dashboard item to the PDF format.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
GetWidth() Returns the dashboard width.
HideExportDialog() Hides the dialog that allows end-users to export the dashboard/dashboard item.
HideParametersDialog() Closes the Dashboard Parameters dialog.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
PerformDrillDown(String, ASPxClientDashboardItemDataAxisPointTuple) Performs a drill-down for the required element.
PerformDrillDown(String, Object) Performs a drill-down for the required element by its value.
PerformDrillUp(String) Performs a drill-up for the specified dashboard item.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ReloadData() Reloads data in the data sources.
ReloadData(ASPxClientDashboardParameter[]) Obsolete. Reloads data in the data sources.
RequestUnderlyingData(String, ASPxClientDashboardItemRequestUnderlyingDataParameters, ASPxClientDashboardItemRequestUnderlyingDataCompleted) Requests underlying data for the specified dashboard item.
SetExcelExportOptions(DashboardExcelExportOptions) Allows you to specify options related to exporting a dashboard/dashboard item to the Excel format.
SetExportOptions(ASPxClientDashboardExportOptions) Obsolete. Specifies settings that specify parameters affecting how the dashboard is exported.
SetHeight(Int32) Specifies the dashboard height.
SetImageExportOptions(DashboardImageExportOptions) Allows you to specify options related to exporting a dashboard/dashboard item to an image.
SetMasterFilter(String, ASPxClientDashboardItemDataAxisPointTuple[]) Selects the required elements in the specified master filter item.
SetMasterFilter(String, Object[][]) Selects required elements by their values in the specified master filter item.
SetPdfExportOptions(DashboardPdfExportOptions) Allows you to specify options related to exporting a dashboard/dashboard item to the PDF format.
SetPredefinedRange(String, String) Selects a predefined range in the Range Filter dashboard item.
SetRange(String, ASPxClientDashboardRangeFilterSelection) Selects the required range in the specified Range Filter dashboard item.
SetSize(Int32, Int32) Specifies the dashboard size.
SetWidth(Int32) Specifies the dashboard width.
ShowExportDashboardItemDialog(String, String) Shows the dialog that allows end-users to export the dashboard item.
ShowExportDialog(String) Shows the dialog that allows end-users to export the dashboard.
ShowParametersDialog() Invokes the Dashboard Parameters dialog.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
UpdateDashboardTitleToolbar() Fires the DashboardTitleToolbarUpdated event.
UpdateItemCaptionToolbar(String) Fires the ItemCaptionToolbarUpdated event for the specified item.
See Also