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ASPxClientDashboardItemData Class

Represents multidimensional data visualized in the dashboard item.

Namespace: DevExpress.DashboardWeb.Scripts

Assembly: DevExpress.Dashboard.v18.2.Web.WebForms.Scripts.dll


public class ASPxClientDashboardItemData


Each data-bound dashboard item uses a multidimensional representation of data (the ASPxClientDashboardItemData class). This provides the capability to visualize information hierarchically. For instance, the pivot grid allows end-users to expand or collapse column/row field values to view data at different detail levels. The Drill-Down feature provides a common way to move between different detail levels in different dashboard items. Use the ASPxClientDashboard.GetItemData / ASPxClientDashboardViewer.GetItemData methods to obtain multidimensional data visualized in the specified dashboard item.

The value corresponding to a specific hierarchy level is stored in the ASPxClientDashboardItemDataAxisPoint class that defines a data point in a multidimensional space. Such data points are placed on a specific data axis that is represented by the ASPxClientDashboardItemDataAxis class. For instance, a pivot grid has the “Row” and “Column” axes, a chart has the “Argument” and “Series” axes, etc.

Use the following methods to access the displayed data.

To learn more, see the Obtaining Underlying and Displayed Data topic.


The following example demonstrates how to obtain client data corresponding to a particular visual element using ASPxDashboard‘s client-side API. In this example, the ASPxClientDashboard.ItemClick event is handled to obtain client data and invoke the dxPopup widget with the child dxChart.

In the event handler, the ASPxClientDashboardItemClickEventArgs.GetData method is called to obtain dashboard item’s client data. The ASPxClientDashboardItemClickEventArgs.GetAxisPoint method returns the axis point corresponding to the clicked card while the ASPxClientDashboardItemData.GetSlice method returns the slice of client data by this axis point. To obtain axis points belonging to the “Sparkline” data axis, the ASPxClientDashboardItemDataAxis.GetPoints method is used. Corresponding actual/target values are obtained using the ASPxClientDashboardItemData.GetDeltaValue method.

The dxChart is used to display the detailed chart showing a variation of actual/target values over time.

function getClientData(args) {
    if (args.ItemName == "cardDashboardItem1") {
        var clientData = [],
            clientDataTable = [],
        var sparklineAxis = DashboardDataAxisNames.SparklineAxis,
            defaultAxis = DashboardDataAxisNames.Default;

        clientData = args.GetData();
        clickedPoint = args.GetAxisPoint(defaultAxis);
        clickedItemData = clientData.GetSlice(clickedPoint);
        delta = args.GetDeltas()[0];

        for (var i = 0; i < clickedItemData.GetAxis(sparklineAxis).GetPoints().length; i++) {
            var dataTableRow = {},
            axisPoint = clickedItemData.GetSlice(clickedItemData.GetAxis(sparklineAxis).GetPoints()[i]);

            dataTableRow["Argument"] = clickedItemData.GetAxis(sparklineAxis).GetPoints()[i].GetValue();
            if (axisPoint.GetDeltaValue(delta.Id).GetActualValue().GetValue() != null &&
                axisPoint.GetDeltaValue(delta.Id).GetTargetValue().GetValue() != null) {
                dataTableRow["Actual"] = axisPoint.GetDeltaValue(delta.Id).GetActualValue().GetValue();
                dataTableRow["Target"] = axisPoint.GetDeltaValue(delta.Id).GetTargetValue().GetValue();
            else {
                dataTableRow["Actual"] = 0;
                dataTableRow["Target"] = 0;

        var $chart = $('<div/>');
            height: 500,
            dataSource: clientDataTable,
            series: [{
                valueField: 'Actual', name: 'Actual'
            }, {
                valueField: 'Target', name: 'Target'
            commonSeriesSettings: {
                type: 'splineArea',
                argumentField: 'Argument',
                ignoreEmptyPoints: true
            argumentAxis: {
                showZero: false,
                type: 'discrete'
            valueAxis: {
                showZero: false,
                type: 'continuous',
                label: { format: 'currency' }

        var popup = $("#myPopup").data("dxPopup");
        popup.option('title', clickedPoint.GetValue() + " - Details");
        $popupContent = popup.content();

function initPopup() {
        width: 800, height: 600,
        title: "Details",
        showCloseButton: true


See Also