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Build Web Dashboard Applications

  • 2 minutes to read

Follow these tutorials to create a Web Dashboard application.

#Download Components

DevExpress BI Dashboard is available as part of the Universal Subscription.

If you do not own a license, download a free 30-day trial:

Download: Unified Component Installer

You can also install DevExpress libraries using NuGet: Trial .NET Controls Via NuGet.

#Quick Start

Create your first web dashboard application with a few clicks in Visual Studio using the DevExpress Template Gallery:

Use CLI tools to create a dashboard application:

Download the pre-configured example and use it as a template to get started:

#Detailed Guides

Create an empty web application and configure it to use the Web Dashboard with the following step-by-step tutorials.

#Create a Single Application

A combined application comprises client and server parts.

#Create Client Applications

A client Web Dashboard application requires a separate server that supplies data.

#Create Dashboards

See Also