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Included Components

The DevExpress Dashboard adds the following controls to Microsoft Visual Studio Toolbox’s DX.24.2: Data & Analytics tab:

#WinForms Controls

Icon Component Description
Icon_DashboardDesigner DashboardDesigner Provides a comprehensive UI for designing a dashboard from scratch.
Icon_DashboardViewer DashboardViewer Enables you to display dashboards in WinForms applications.

#WPF Controls

Icon Component Description
Icon_DashboardDesigner DashboardControl Enables you to display dashboards in WPF applications.

#ASP.NET Controls

Icon Component Description
Icon_DashboardDesigner ASPxDashboard Allows you to design and display dashboards on the Web.

#ASP.NET MVC Controls

Icon Component Description
Icon_DashboardDesigner MVCxDashboard The ASPxDashboard control’s ASP.NET MVC equivalent.


The Microsoft Visual Studio Toolbox does not contain the ASP.NET Core DashboardBuilder and HTML JavaScript DashboardControl controls.