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DxSchedulerDataStorage Properties

A storage that supplies data for the Scheduler control.
Name Description
AppointmentLabelMappings Specifies an object that defines how appointment label properties are mapped to data source fields.
AppointmentLabelsSource Specifies an appointment label data source.
AppointmentMappings Specifies how the appointment properties are mapped to the data source fields.
AppointmentsSource Specifies an appointment data source.
AppointmentStatusMappings Specifies an object that defines how status item properties are mapped to data source fields.
AppointmentStatusSource Specifies an appointment status data source.
EnableMultipleResources Specifies whether an appointment can be shared between multiple resources.
RecurrenceSettings Specifies common settings for recurrent appointments.
ResourceMappings Specifies how the resource properties are mapped to the data source fields.
ResourcesSource Specifies a data source for the appointment’s resources.
TimeZone Specifies the time zone for the storage.
See Also