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DxScheduler Members

A calendar and scheduler component.


Name Description
DxScheduler() Initializes a new DxScheduler class instance with the default settings.


Name Description
ActiveViewType Specifies the view that the scheduler currently uses to display data.
AllowCreateAppointment Specifies whether users can create new appointments.
AllowDeleteAppointment Specifies whether users can delete appointments.
AllowEditAppointment Specifies whether users can edit appointments.
AppointmentCompactFormLayout Specifies the layout of the compact form that appears when a user creates or edits an appointment.
AppointmentFormLayout Specifies the layout of the pop-up form that appears when you create an appointment and click the expand button, or when you edit an appointment.
AppointmentFormMode Specifies which appointment form a user can use to create and edit appointments.
AppointmentTooltipTemplate Specifies the template for an appointment tooltip.
CssClass Specifies the name of the component’s CSS class. Inherited from DxComponentBase.
DataStorage Specifies the Scheduler’s data source.
FirstDayOfWeek Specifies the first day of the week.
GroupType Specifies how Scheduler appointments are grouped.
Id Specifies the component’s unique identifier. Inherited from DxComponentBase.
InnerComponentSizeMode Specifies the size of the Scheduler’s inner components.
ResourceColorInHeaderVisible Specifies whether a resource color is applied to the corresponding group’s header.
ResourceNavigatorVisible Specifies whether the Scheduler displays the Resource Navigator.
SelectedAppointment Specifies the selected appointment.
ShowAppointmentTooltip Specifies whether to show an appointment’s tooltip.
StartDate Specifies the Scheduler’s start date.
ValidateEditForm Specifies whether to validate the appointment edit form.
Views Specifies the Scheduler’s view collection.
VisibleResourcesDataSource Specifies the data source that stores visible resource objects.
WorkDays Specifies days assigned to a workweek.


Name Description
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.


Name Description
ActiveViewTypeChanged Fires after the active view is changed.
AppointmentFormClosing Fires before the appointment form is closed.
AppointmentFormShowing Fires before the appointment form is shown.
AppointmentInserted Fires after a new appointment is added to the AppointmentsSource object.
AppointmentInserting Fires before a new appointment is added to the AppointmentsSource object.
AppointmentRemoved Fires after an appointment is removed from the AppointmentsSource object.
AppointmentRemoving Fires before an appointment is removed from the AppointmentsSource object.
AppointmentUpdated Fires after an updated appointment is saved to the AppointmentsSource object.
AppointmentUpdating Fires before an updated appointment is saved to the AppointmentsSource object.
HtmlCellDecoration Allows you to customize the appearance of Scheduler cells.
SelectedAppointmentChanged Fires after the selected appointment is changed.
StartDateChanged Fires after the Scheduler start date is changed.
VisibleResourcesDataSourceChanged Occurs when the data source with visible resource objects changes.
See Also