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DxDateRangePicker<T> Properties

A component that allows you to select date ranges.
Name Description
Buttons Allows you to add command buttons to the Date Range Picker.
ClearButtonDisplayMode Specifies whether an input editor displays the Clear button when it is not empty. Inherited from DxInputDataEditorBase<T>.
CssClass Assign a CSS class to the editor. Inherited from DxDataEditor<T>.
DayCellTemplate Specifies the template used to display day cells.
DisplayFormat Specifies the pattern used to format the Date Range Picker’s display values.
DropDownBodyCssClass Assign a CSS class to the drop-down body in the Date Range Picker.
DropDownCssClass Assign a CSS class to the Date Range Picker’s drop-down window.
DropDownDirection Specifies the direction in which the drop-down window is displayed relative to the editor’s input element.
DropDownVisible Specifies the current state (displayed/hidden) of a drop-down calendar.
Enabled Specifies whether an editor is enabled. Inherited from DxDataEditor<T>.
EndDate Specifies the end date of the range.
EndDateExpression Specifies a lambda expression that identifies the EndDate property’s bound value when the Date Range Picker is placed in the EditForm.
FirstDayOfWeek Specifies the first day of the week in the Range Date Picker’s drop-down calendar.
Id Specifies the component’s unique identifier.
InputCssClass Assign a CSS class to the editor’s input. Inherited from DxInputDataEditorBase<T>.
InputId Specifies a unique identifier (ID) of the editor’s input element. Inherited from DxInputDataEditorBase<T>.
MaxDate Specifies the maximum date that can be selected in the Date Range Picker.
MinDate Specifies the minimum date that can be selected in the Date Range Picker.
NullText Specifies the editor’s prompt text when the editor’s value is null. Inherited from DxInputDataEditorBase<T>.
NullValue Specifies a null value for the Date Range Picker component.
ReadOnly Specifies whether read-only mode is active. Inherited from DxDataEditor<T>.
ShowDropDownButton Specifies whether the Date RangePicker displays the built-in button that invokes a calendar.
ShowValidationIcon Specifies whether an editor shows validation icons. Inherited from DxInputDataEditorBase<T>.
SizeMode Specifies an editor size. Inherited from DxDataEditor<T>.
StartDate Specifies the start date of the range.
StartDateExpression Specifies a lambda expression that identifies the StartDate property’s bound value when the Date Range Picker is placed in the EditForm.
WeekNumberRule Specifies the first week of the year.
See Also