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DxChartRangeBarSeries<T, TArgument, TValue> Properties

Defines a range bar series.
Name Description
AggregationMethod Obsolete. Specifies the method that calculates summaries for points with the same argument value. Inherited from DxChartXYSeries<T, TArgument, TValue, TAggregate>.
ArgumentField Specifies a data source field that contains arguments for series values. Inherited from DxChartXYSeries<T, TArgument, TValue, TAggregate>.
Axis Specifies an axis for the series. Inherited from DxChartSeries.
BarOverlapGroupName Groups range bar series and displays overlapping bars.
BarPadding Specifies the padding between bars in bar groups, as a percentage.
BarWidth Specifies the width of individual bars in the series in pixels.
BreakOnEmptyPoints Specifies whether the series should break on points with null values. Inherited from DxChartSeries.
Color Specifies the series color. Inherited from DxChartSeries.
CornerRadius Specifies the corner radius for a range bar series
Data Specifies a data source for the series. Inherited from DxChartXYSeries<T, TArgument, TValue, TAggregate>.
EndValueField Specifies a lambda expression that defines how to obtain the end value for each range series point. Inherited from DxChartRangeSeriesBase<T, TArgument, TValue>.
Filter Specifies an expression used to filter series values. Inherited from DxChartXYSeries<T, TArgument, TValue, TAggregate>.
HoverMode Specifies series elements to be highlighted when a user pauses on a series point.
MaxLabelCount Specifies the maximum number of point labels that the DxChartSeries displays. Inherited from DxChartSeries.
Name Specifies the name for the series. Inherited from DxChartSeries.
Pane Specifies a pane where the series is displayed. Inherited from DxChartSeries.
SelectionMode Specifies the range series’ selection mode.
Settings Accepts series settings when you create a series template. Inherited from DxChartXYSeries<T, TArgument, TValue, TAggregate>.
StartValueField Specifies a lambda expression that defines how to obtain the start value for each range series point. Inherited from DxChartRangeSeriesBase<T, TArgument, TValue>.
SummaryMethod Specifies the method that calculates summaries for points with the same argument value. Inherited from DxChartXYSeries<T, TArgument, TValue, TAggregate>.
ValueField Specifies a data source field that contains values for series points. Inherited from DxChartXYSeries<T, TArgument, TValue, TAggregate>.
Visible Specifies the series visibility. Inherited from DxChartSeries.
See Also