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DxChart<T>.Data Property

Specifies a data source.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public IEnumerable<T> Data { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

A data source.


The Chart component supports a data source that contains table-based data. Refer to our GitHub repository for a sample data source.

<DxChart Data="@ChartsData">
    <DxChartBarSeries Name="2019"
                      Filter="@((SaleInfo s) => s.Date.Year == 2019)"
                      ArgumentField="@(s => s.City)"
                      ValueField="@(s => s.Amount)"
                      SummaryMethod="Enumerable.Sum" />
    @* ... *@

Chart Series Bubble

You can also link the Chart to the DxPivotGrid<T> component. Create a DxPivotGridDataProvider<T> object and set the Chart’s Data property to the provider’s ChartDataSource property value. Refer to the Visualize Pivot Grid Data section for more information.

<DxChart Data="@(PivotGridDataProvider.ChartDataSource)">
    <DxChartCommonSeries NameField="@((IChartDataItem s) => s.SeriesName)"
                         ArgumentField="@(s => s.Argument)"
                         ValueField="@(s => s.Value)"
                         SeriesType="ChartSeriesType.Bar" />

<DxPivotGrid Data="@(PivotGridDataProvider.PivotGridDataSource)">
    <DxPivotGridField Field="@nameof(SaleInfo.Region)" SortOrder="PivotGridSortOrder.Ascending" 
    <DxPivotGridField Field="@nameof(SaleInfo.Country)" Area="PivotGridFieldArea.Row"></DxPivotGridField>
    <DxPivotGridField Field="@nameof(SaleInfo.City)" Area="PivotGridFieldArea.Row"></DxPivotGridField>
    <DxPivotGridField Field="@nameof(SaleInfo.Date)" GroupInterval="PivotGridGroupInterval.Year" 
        Area="PivotGridFieldArea.Column" Caption="Year"> </DxPivotGridField>
    <DxPivotGridField Field="@nameof(SaleInfo.OrderId)" Caption="Count" Area="PivotGridFieldArea.Data" 
        SummaryType="PivotGridSummaryType.Count"> </DxPivotGridField>

@code {
    DxPivotGridDataProvider<SaleInfo> PivotGridDataProvider;
    protected override void OnInitialized() {
        PivotGridDataProvider = DxPivotGridDataProvider<SaleInfo>.Create(Sales.GetSalesAsync());

The Chart shows data from the Pivot Grid’s lowest expanded level. The Chart is updated when a user expands or collapses rows/columns in the Pivot Grid.

Linked PivotGrid And Chart

Run Demo: Pivot Grid - Chart Integration

See Also