Install DevExpress Blazor Components and Project Templates
This topic contains step-by-step instructions on how to install DevExpress Blazor components and project templates. If you prefer to use NuGet packages rather than install resources on your local machine, proceed to the next step.
Ensure your system meets these requirements.
The following installation options are available:
- Product installer (for Windows only)
- Command Line Interpreter (for all operating systems)
- Cross-IDE Project Template Kit
#Product Installer
Download the DevExpress .NET Product Installer to install DevExpress Blazor components and templates.
When you use the DevExpress Installer for Blazor components, the DevExpress v24.2 Blazor App Template Gallery and DevExpress Blazor App (Developer Express Inc.) options automatically appear in Visual Studio’s New Project menu. Refer to the following help topic for more information on how to use the DevExpress Installer: Run the Wizard Dialog.
#Command Line Interpreter (.NET CLI)
Download the DevExpress.Blazor.ProjectTemplates NuGet package and install it from the CLI:
dotnet new install DevExpress.Blazor.ProjectTemplates
After the installation is completed, the following DevExpress Template is available:
#Next Step
Choose one of the following steps based on the desired project type: