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CSS Classes

  • 4 minutes to read

This topic describes how to apply custom CSS classes to DevExpress Blazor components.


You can also use themes to change your application’s appearance.

Add a CSS File to a Project

  1. Copy a CSS file with your styles to the wwwroot/css folder.
  2. Add the CSS file link to the head section of the layout file:

    • Pages/_Host.cshtml (for .NET 5.0) or Pages/_Layout.cshtml (for .NET 6.0) in Blazor Server apps.
    • wwwroot/index.html in Blazor WebAssembly apps.
        <link href="css/my-styles.css" rel="stylesheet" />


You can also define styles in the <style> section of a Razor page:

   .my-style {
       width: 400px;
       color: white;
       background-color: mediumpurple;

Apply Styles to Components

You can apply CSS styles to Blazor components and their elements. All objects inherited from DxComponentBase implement the CssClass property. The following code applies a CSS class to a Pager:

<DxPager PageCount="10"

Default Style (font-weight: 400)

Pager Font Weight 400

Custom Style (font-weight: 700)

Pager Font Weight 700

Other classes can also have a CssClass or *CssClass property, for example, DxChartLegend.CssClass, DxComboBox.InputCssClass. The code below applies a CSS class to a toolbar item (the DxToolbarItemBase.CssClass property).

    <DxToolbarItem CssClass="my-toolbar-item" Text="Insert"></DxToolbarItem>
    <DxToolbarItem Text="Edit"></DxToolbarItem>
    <DxToolbarItem Text="Delete"></DxToolbarItem>

Toolbar Item CSS Class

Icon CSS Classes

Your CSS file can contain styles for icons used within components. To apply these styles, use the IconCssClass property. The code below assigns icons to Context Menu items.

        <DxContextMenuItem Text="Home" IconCssClass="icon icon-home"></DxContextMenuItem>
        <DxContextMenuItem Text="Contacts" IconCssClass="icon icon-phone"></DxContextMenuItem>
        <DxContextMenuItem Text="Calendar" IconCssClass="icon icon-calendar"></DxContextMenuItem>

Icon CSS

Refer to Icons for more information.

Apply Styles to Inner HTML Elements

DevExpress Blazor components consist of standard HTML elements (div, table, input,td, etc.). You can apply CSS styles to these elements. Refer to the following articles for more information:

The code below hides horizontal lines in the Data Grid:

<DxDataGrid Data="@DataSource" CssClass="my-grid">

Default Style

Grid - Default Configuration

Custom Style (horizontal lines are hidden)

Grid Without Horizontal Lines

CSS Isolation

The Blazor CSS isolation feature allows you to create component-specific styles and avoid styling conflicts between components and libraries.

DevExpress components for Blazor support CSS isolation, except for the DxPopup component as it is always rendered in the page root. To enable the isolation feature, create a folder for your custom components that use DevExpress components. In this folder, create the following items:

  • A Razor component, for example, MyCheckBox.
  • A .css file for isolated styles. The stylesheet should have the same name as the component.

Component structure with isolated styles

In the MyCheckBox.razor markup, specify the DevExpress component. Blazor generates the b-{string} attribute at build time and uses it to target HTML markup elements in the current component, where {string} is a 10-character string. Blazor cannot generate attributes for custom components such as DevExpress Blazor. Wrap DevExpress components in a markup element, for example, <div> or <span> for them to be treated as HTML elements.

<h2>Parent component</h2>

    <DxCheckBox Checked="true" 
                CssClass="my-checkbox">Child component</DxCheckBox>

In the MyCheckBox.razor.css file, specify component-specific styles. Use the ::deep combinator to apply styles.

::deep .my-checkbox {
    color: orange;

Add the MyCheckBox component to your application. You can add the DxCheckBox component with the same CSS class to make sure that MyCheckBox styles are isolated.

@using isolationExample.MyComponents

    .my-checkbox {
        color: red;

<MyCheckBox />

<DxCheckBox Checked="true" CssClass="my-checkbox">Regular component</DxCheckBox>

Result app