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DateBoxBuilder.DisabledDates Method

Name Parameters Description
DisabledDates(JS) value Specifies dates that users cannot select. Applies only if pickerType is 'calendar'. Mirrors the client-side disabledDates option.
DisabledDates(RazorBlock) jsFunc Specifies dates that users cannot select. Applies only if pickerType is 'calendar'. Mirrors the client-side disabledDates option.
DisabledDates(IEnumerable<DateTime>) value Specifies dates that users cannot select. Applies only if pickerType is 'calendar'. Mirrors the client-side disabledDates option.
DisabledDates(String) jsFunc Specifies dates that users cannot select. Applies only if pickerType is 'calendar'. Mirrors the client-side disabledDates option.