Hibernate a Document
The DocumentManager can release server memory from inactive open documents and save them to a server’s file system. This behavior reduces server memory consumption and prevents the loss of unsaved changes should the web server restart. When a user interacts with a hibernated document, the DocumentManager restores the document from the file system to the server’s RAM.
The Spreadsheet loses undo/redo history after hibernation.
To enable hibernation, call the AddHibernation method and assign a server directory path to the StoragePath property. You can configure the following optional hibernation settings:
- Timeout
- Specifies the idle timeout period upon which the DocumentManager hibernates an open document. The default value is an hour.
- DocumentsDisposeTimeout
- Specifies how long to store hibernated documents in the server directory prior to disposal. The default value is a day.
- AllDocumentsOnApplicationEnd
- Specifies whether to hibernate all open documents at the application level.
The example below demonstrates how to configure hibernation settings as requirements dictate:
builder.Services.AddSingleton<IHttpContextAccessor, HttpContextAccessor>();
builder.Services.AddDevExpressControls(options => {
spreadsheetOptions => {
.AddHibernation( hibernationOptions => {
hibernationOptions.StoragePath = Path.Combine(builder.Environment.ContentRootPath, "HibernationStorage");
hibernationOptions.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(20);
hibernationOptions.DocumentsDisposeTimeout = TimeSpan.FromDays(2);
hibernationOptions.AllDocumentsOnApplicationEnd = true;