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ASPxClientHtmlEditor.GetContextMenu Method

Returns a collection of client context menu objects.


GetContextMenu(): ASPxClientPopupMenu


Type Description

An ASPxClientPopupMenu object that is the client-side collection of context menu objects.


Use the GetContextMenu method on the client-side to access the collection of context menu objects. A particular menu object can be accessed by its name within the collection using the ASPxClientMenuBase.GetItemByName method.


The code sample below demonstrates how you can handle the ASPxClientHtmlEditor.ContextMenuShowing event to change the content of a context menu (by changing its items visibility).

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
     if (!IsPostBack) {
          MyHtmlEditor.ContextMenuItems.Insert(0, new HtmlEditorContextMenuItem("Add Title...", "AddTitle"));
          MyHtmlEditor.ContextMenuItems.Insert(1, new HtmlEditorContextMenuItem("Change Title...", "ChangeTitle"));
          MyHtmlEditor.ContextMenuItems.Insert(2, new HtmlEditorContextMenuItem("Remove Title", "RemoveTitle"));
See Also