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ListEditItem.Text Property

Gets or sets the list item’s text.

Namespace: DevExpress.Web

Assembly: DevExpress.Web.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web


public override string Text { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Default Description
String String.Empty

A String value representing the list item’s text.


Use the Text property to specify the textual representation of the current list item.


This property is not in effect for an editor’s multi-column mode.


View Example: Popup Control for ASP.NET Web Forms - How to show a pop-up window.

function OnComboBoxSelectedIndexChanged(s, e) {
    var item = s.GetSelectedItem();
        "Selected item changed:<br /><br />" +
        "&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>text=</strong>'" + item.text + "'<br />" +
        "&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>value</strong>=" + item.value + "<br /><br />");
<dxe:ASPxComboBox ID="cbCombo" runat="server" Width="170px" ClientInstanceName="combo">
    <ClientSideEvents SelectedIndexChanged="OnComboBoxSelectedIndexChanged" />
        <dxe:ListEditItem Text="Item #1" Value="0" />
        <dxe:ListEditItem Text="Item #2" Value="1" />
        <dxe:ListEditItem Text="Item #3" Value="2" />

The following code snippets (auto-collected from DevExpress Examples) contain references to the Text property.


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See Also