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ASPxCardView.GroupSelectorFillItems Event

Enables you to provide custom items in the group selector.

Namespace: DevExpress.Web

Assembly: DevExpress.Web.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web


public event ASPxCardViewGroupSelectorFillItemsEventHandler GroupSelectorFillItems

Event Data

The GroupSelectorFillItems event's data class is ASPxCardViewGroupSelectorFillItemsEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Items Gets a collection of CardViewGroupSelectorItem items.


The group selector is a combo box editor that provides a set of card view columns by which you can group cards. The GroupSelectorFillItems event is raised before the group selector is invoked and its default items are created. This enables you to provide your custom items to the group selector.


protected void ASPxCardView1_GroupSelectorFillItems(object source, ASPxCardViewGroupSelectorFillItemsEventArgs e) {
    e.Items.Add(new CardViewGroupSelectorItem("Group by two columns", ASPxCardView1.Columns["Group1"], ASPxCardView1.Columns["Group2"]));
See Also