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Spell Checker Elements

  • 2 minutes to read

This topic describes the control elements that you see on screen. Each section contains a screenshot that outlines the described element and a brief overview of the element’s purpose. Additionally, each section contains a list of the settings that specify the element’s visibility, content and appearance.

#Check Spelling Form

The Check Spelling form is displayed when the ASPxSpellChecker component finds a word that is not in the dictionaries associated with the current culture. It enables the user to make corrections, skip the word, ignore the word and all its future occurrences in the text or add the word to a custom dictionary. The Options… button invokes the Spelling Options Form.


The table below lists the main members which affect the element’s appearance and functionality:

Characteristic Members
Caption ASPxSpellCheckerTextSettings.SpellCheckFormCaption
Style ASPxSpellChecker.StylesDialogForm, ASPxSpellChecker.StylesButton, ASPxSpellChecker.StylesEditors, ASPxSpellChecker.ImagesEditors
Number of suggested words ASPxSpellChecker.SuggestionCount
Add To Dictionary Button SpellCheckerDialogSettings.ShowAddToDictionaryButton
Close Button ASPxSpellChecker.DialogFormCloseButtonImage
Options Button SpellCheckerDialogSettings.ShowOptionsButton

#Spelling Options Form

The Spelling Options form is displayed when the user clicks a corresponding button in the Check Spelling Form. It enables the user to modify checking parameters.


The table below lists the main members which affect the element’s appearance and functionality:

Characteristic Members
Caption ASPxSpellCheckerTextSettings.OptionsFormCaption
Options ASPxSpellCheckerSpellingSettings.IgnoreEmails, ASPxSpellCheckerSpellingSettings.IgnoreMarkupTags, ASPxSpellCheckerSpellingSettings.IgnoreMixedCaseWords, ASPxSpellCheckerSpellingSettings.IgnoreUpperCaseWords, ASPxSpellCheckerSpellingSettings.IgnoreUrls, ASPxSpellCheckerSpellingSettings.IgnoreWordsWithNumber, ASPxSpellChecker.Culture
Style ASPxSpellChecker.StylesDialogForm, ASPxSpellChecker.StylesButton, ASPxSpellChecker.StylesEditors, ASPxSpellChecker.ImagesEditors

#Loading Panel

The Loading Panel is displayed within the ASPxSpellChecker component while waiting for a callback response.


The table below lists the main members which affect the element’s appearance and functionality:

Characteristic Members
Delay SettingsLoadingPanel.Delay
Visibility SettingsLoadingPanel.Enabled
Text SettingsLoadingPanel.Text
Image SettingsLoadingPanel.ShowImage, SettingsLoadingPanel.ImagePosition, ASPxSpellChecker.LoadingPanelImage
Style ASPxSpellChecker.LoadingPanelStyle