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Spreadsheet Ribbon UI

Users can select commands on the File ribbon tab to manage documents.

File Tab

If ASPxSpreadsheet works with documents in a file system, specify the WorkDirectory property to make the Open and Save As operations available. Users cannot access the file system outside the specified directory.

<dx:ASPxSpreadsheet ID="ASPxSpreadsheet1" runat="server" WorkDirectory="~/App_Data/WorkDirectory">

If you use a custom document storage that is not based on a file system, the WorkDirectory and built-in document management ribbon commands have no effect. Hide the built-in ribbon’s File tab and implement a custom UI to open and save documents.

#Restrict User Operations

The ASPxSpreadsheet control allows you to restrict document management operations available to users. Use Spreadsheet behavior settings to enable, disable, or hide each operation.

<dx:ASPxSpreadsheet ID="ASPxSpreadsheet1" runat="server" WorkDirectory="~/App_Data/WorkDirectory">
        <Behavior CreateNew="Disabled" Open="Disabled" Save="Hidden" SaveAs="Enabled" />