XafApplication Properties
Manages an XAF application.Name | Description |
ApplicationCache | |
ApplicationName | Specifies the application’s name. |
CanRaiseEvents protected | Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event. Inherited from Component. |
CheckCompatibilityType | Specifies how the database and application compatibility is checked. |
Connection | Specifies the connection to the database used by the application. |
ConnectionString | Specifies the connection string used to connect to the application’s database or to the Application Server. |
Container | Gets the IContainer that contains the Component. Inherited from Component. |
CurrentAspectProvider | Returns an ICurrentAspectProvider object that supplies culture-specific information. |
DatabaseUpdateMode | Specifies the database update mode. |
DefaultCollectionSourceMode | Specifies the default mode of operation for Collection Sources created by the XafApplication. |
DelayedViewItemsInitialization | Indicates whether View Items controls are initialized immediately when a View is created. |
DesignMode protected | Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode. Inherited from Component. |
DesignTimeConnectionString static | For internal use. |
EditorFactory | Provides access to the application’s Editors Factory, which is used to load View Items and List Editors to the Application Model and create them when needed. |
EnableModelCache | Specifies if the Application Model cache designed to improve the startup speed and performance is enabled. |
Events protected | Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component. Inherited from Component. |
IgnoredExceptions | Returns a collection of exceptions that are not to be reported by the application. |
IsConnectionOwner | For internal use only. |
IsDelayedDetailViewDataLoadingEnabled | For internal use. Use the DetailView.UseAsyncLoading field instead of this property. |
IsLoading | Indicates whether the application component is currently being initialized. |
LinkNewObjectToParentImmediately | Specifies whether or not a link between a master and child object is created immediately when the NewObjectViewController.NewObjectAction is executed in a nested List View with a non-aggregated collection. |
MainWindow | Provides access to the application’s main Window. |
MaxLogonAttemptCount | Specifies the allowed number of failed login attempts before the application closes. |
Model | Provides access to the Application Model‘s root node. |
Modules | Provides access to the module list used by the application. |
ObjectSpaceProvider | Provides access to the application’s Object Space Provider. |
ObjectSpaceProviderContainer | |
ObjectSpaceProviders | Gets a list of Object Space Providers used by XafApplication. |
OptimizeControllersCreationInMasterDetailMode | For internal use. |
OptimizedControllersCreation | Disables the instantiation of Controllers that will never be activated in nested List Views. |
ResourcesExportedToModel | Provides access to a collection of Resource Localizers used in the current application to extend the Application Model’s IModelLocalization node. |
Security | Provides access to the Security Strategy used in the application. |
ServiceProvider | Provides access to IServiceProvider. |
ShowViewStrategy | Specifies the application’s Show View Strategy. |
Site | For internal use only. |
TablePrefixes | For internal use. |
Title | Specifies the application’s title. |
TypesInfo | Gets the ITypesInfo object that supplies metadata on types used in an XAF application. |
See Also