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.NET Framework 4.6.2+

List Editors

  • 4 minutes to read

List Views are visualized by means of List Editors. A List Editor has a control that is used to display an object collection supplied by a List View. A List Editor handles the binding of its control and supports interaction between the List View and the control. By default, certain List Editors are used for all the List Views. You can change the List Editors used in a default UI, or customize them. This topic explains how to do this, and defines available List Editor types. For information on how to implement your own List Editor, refer to the ListEditor class description.

List Editors are abstract UI entities represented by ListEditor class descendants. The ListEditor class declares members common to all List Editors. These members define the basic List Editor functionality. To create actual controls, each List Editor type overrides the protected CreateControlCore method which is called when a List Editor needs to be displayed in a UI. Since different controls are used in ASP.NET Core Blazor, WinForms, and ASP.NET Web Forms applications, there are different List Editors implemented for ASP.NET Core Blazor, WinForms, and ASP.NET Web Forms UI, respectively. The following tables list the basic List Editors supplied by XAF.

List Editors in WinForms Applications

Name Description
GridListEditor Used by default in XAF WinForms applications. This is the most common data visualisation format in the form of a two-dimensional table.
CategorizedListEditor Implemented in the TreeList Editors module. Displays data in the form of a two-dimensional table accompanied by the category tree.
ChartListEditor Implemented in the Chart Module. Displays data in the form of a chart.
PivotGridListEditor Implemented in the Pivot Grid Module. Displays data in the form of a pivot table that can be accompanied by a chart.
SchedulerListEditor Implemented in the Scheduler module. Designed to present and manage scheduling information in XAF WinForms applications.
TreeListEditor Implemented in the TreeList Editors module. Displays data in the form of a tree-like structure.

List Editors in ASP.NET Web Forms Applications

Name Description
ASPxGridListEditor Used by default in XAF ASP.NET Web Forms applications. Provides the most common data representation in the form of a two-dimensional table.
ASPxChartListEditor Implemented in the Chart Module. Displays data in the form of a chart.
ASPxPivotGridListEditor Implemented in the Pivot Grid Module. Displays data in the form of a pivot table that can be accompanied by a chart.
ASPxSchedulerListEditor Implemented in the Scheduler module. Designed to present and manage scheduling information in XAF ASP.NET Web Forms applications.
ASPxTreeListEditor Implemented in the TreeList Editors module. Displays data in the form of a tree-like structure.
WebMapsListEditor Implemented in the Maps Module. Displays data in the form of a map with markers in XAF ASP.NET Web Forms applications.

List Editors in ASP.NET Core Blazor Applications

Name Description
DxGridListEditor Displays data in the form of a two-dimensional table. To display object collections, the DxGridListEditor uses the DxGrid component.
DevExpress.ExpressApp.Scheduler.Blazor.SchedulerBlazorModule Implemented in the Scheduler module. Designed to display and manage scheduling information in XAF ASP.NET Core Blazor applications.

Customize List Editors

This section contains the most common ways to customize List Editors.

See Also