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.NET Framework 4.6.2+

XafApplication Methods

Manages an XAF application.
Name Description
AskConfirmation(ConfirmationType) Requests an end-user confirmation.
BeginInit() Starts the XafApplication‘s initialization. Initialization occurs at runtime.
CheckCompatibility() Checks whether the application and database are compatible, and if not, tries to make them compatible.
CreateCollectionSource(IObjectSpace, Type, String, CollectionSourceDataAccessMode, CollectionSourceMode) Creates a Collection Source for a specific List View.
CreateCollectionSource(IObjectSpace, Type, String, CollectionSourceMode) Creates a Collection Source for a specific List View.
CreateCollectionSource(IObjectSpace, Type, String, Boolean, CollectionSourceMode) Creates a Collection Source for a specific List View.
CreateCollectionSource(IObjectSpace, Type, String) Creates a collection source for a specified List View.
CreateController<ControllerType>() Creates a Controller of a specified type. If there is a Controller of the same type, assigns its settings to the new Controller.
CreateDashboardView(IObjectSpace, String, Boolean) Creates a Dashboard View using information from the Application Model‘s Views | DashboardView node specified by the dashboardViewID parameter.
CreateDatabaseUpdater(IObjectSpaceProvider) Creates a Database Updater for a specified Object Space Provider.
CreateDetailView(IObjectSpace, IModelDetailView, Boolean, Object) Creates a Detail View for the specified object with settings from the Application Model‘s Views | DetailView node specified by the modelDetailView parameter.
CreateDetailView(IObjectSpace, IModelDetailView, Boolean) Creates a Detail View based on information from the Application Model‘s Views | DetailView node specified by the modelDetailView parameter.
CreateDetailView(IObjectSpace, Object, View) Creates a Detail View for a specified object based on information on the source View.
CreateDetailView(IObjectSpace, Object, Boolean) Creates a DetailView for the specified object and initializes its properties.
CreateDetailView(IObjectSpace, Object) Creates a Detail View based on information specified in the Application Model for the type of the specified object.
CreateDetailView(IObjectSpace, String, Boolean, Object, Boolean, IEnumerable) For internal use.
CreateDetailView(IObjectSpace, String, Boolean, Object) Creates a Detail View for the specified object based on the information from the Application Model‘s Views | DetailView node specified by the detailViewID parameter.
CreateDetailView(IObjectSpace, String, Boolean) Creates a Detail View based on information from the Application Model‘s Views | DetailView node specified by the detailViewID parameter.
CreateDetailView(Object, Boolean) For internal use only. Use the CreateDetailView(IObjectSpace, Object, Boolean) overload instead.
CreateDetailView(Object) For internal use. We recommend to use the CreateDetailView(IObjectSpace, Object) overload instead.
CreateDetailViewWithAsyncObjectLoad(IObjectSpace, Object, Object)
CreateDetailViewWithAsyncObjectLoad(IObjectSpace, String, Object, Object)
CreateFrame(TemplateContext) Creates a new Frame.
CreateLayoutManager(Boolean) Creates a Layout Manager.
CreateListEditor(CollectionSourceBase, IModelListView) Creates the List Editor which is specified in the appropriate Application Model node.
CreateListView(IObjectSpace, Type, Boolean) Creates a List View used for the objects of the specified type, by default.
CreateListView(IModelListView, CollectionSourceBase, Boolean, ListEditor) For internal use.
CreateListView(IModelListView, CollectionSourceBase, Boolean) Creates a List View based on the information from the Application Model‘s node specified by the modelListView parameter.
CreateListView(String, CollectionSourceBase, Boolean) Creates a List View based on information from the Application Model‘s Views | View node specified by the listViewId parameter.
CreateListView(Type, Boolean) Creates a List View used for the objects of the specified type, by default.
CreateNestedFrame(ViewItem, TemplateContext, View)
CreateNestedFrame(ViewItem, TemplateContext)
CreateNestedObjectSpace(IObjectSpace) Creates nested Object Space.
CreateObject<T>(out IObjectSpace) Creates an object of the type designated by the generic type parameter.
CreateObjectSpace() Creates an Object Space. Use this method overload if your application registers only one ObjectSpaceProvider.
CreateObjectSpace(Type) Creates an Object Space that supports a specific object type. Use this method overload if your application registers several ObjectSpaceProviders.
CreateObjectSpace<T>() Creates an Object Space of the specified type.
CreatePopupWindow(TemplateContext, String, Controller[]) Creates a new pop-up Window.
CreatePopupWindow(TemplateContext, String, View, Boolean, Controller[])
CreatePopupWindow(TemplateContext, String, Boolean, Controller[]) Creates a new pop-up Window.
CreatePropertyCollectionSource(IObjectSpace, Type, Object, IMemberInfo, String, CollectionSourceDataAccessMode, CollectionSourceMode) Creates a Collection Source for a nested List View that displays a collection property.
CreatePropertyCollectionSource(IObjectSpace, Type, Object, IMemberInfo, String, CollectionSourceMode) Creates a Collection Source for a nested List View that displays a collection property.
CreatePropertyCollectionSource(IObjectSpace, Type, Object, IMemberInfo, String, Boolean, CollectionSourceMode) Creates a Collection Source for a nested List View that displays a collection property.
CreatePropertyCollectionSource(IObjectSpace, Type, Object, IMemberInfo, String) Creates a Collection Source for a nested List View that displays a collection property.
CreateTemplate(String) For internal use only.
CreateWindow(TemplateContext, ICollection<Controller>, Boolean, Boolean, View)
CreateWindow(TemplateContext, ICollection<Controller>, Boolean, Boolean) Creates a new Window.
CreateWindow(TemplateContext, ICollection<Controller>, Boolean) Creates a new Window.
Dispose() Releases all resources used by the Component. Inherited from Component.
EndInit() Ends the XafApplication‘s initialization.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
Exit() Finishes runing the application.
FindDetailViewId(Object, View) Returns the ID of the Detail View which must be used for a specific object, when invoked from the source View.
FindDetailViewId(Type) Returns the ID of the Detail View which is used for objects of a specified type by default.
FindListViewId(Type) Returns the ID of the List View which is used for objects of a specified type by default.
FindLookupListViewId(Type) Returnes the ID of the Lookup List View which is used for objects of a specified type by default.
FindModelClass(Type) Returns the Application Model‘s IModelClass node representing the specific business class.
FindModelView(String) Provides access the Application Model node that defines a specified View.
GetCompletedViewShortcut(ViewShortcut) For internal use only.
GetDetailViewId(Type) Returns the ID of the Detail View which is used for objects of a specified type by default, and raises an exception if the appropriate View ID is not found.
GetDiffDefaultName(String) Gets the model differences file name
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetLifetimeService() Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
GetListViewId(Type) Returns the ID of the List View which is used for objects of a specified type by default, and raises the ‘CannotFindListViewWithId’ exception if the appropriate View ID is not found.
GetObjectSpaceProvider(Type) For internal use.
GetObjectSpaceToShowDetailViewFrom(Frame, Type, TargetWindow) Returns an Object Space in which a Detail View should be created to be displayed via the ShowViewStrategyBase.ShowView method.
GetObjectSpaceToShowDetailViewFrom(Frame, Type) Returns an Object Space in which a Detail View should be created to be displayed via the ShowViewStrategyBase.ShowView method.
GetService(Type) protected Returns an object that represents a service provided by the Component or by its Container. Inherited from Component.
GetTemplateCustomizationModel(IFrameTemplate) Returns the Application Model node where settings of a specified Template are stored.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
InitializeLifetimeService() Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
LogOff() Performs the application logout.
Logon() Performs the logon.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone(Boolean) protected Creates a shallow copy of the current MarshalByRefObject object. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
ProcessShortcut(ViewShortcut) Creates a View by a specified shortcut.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
SaveModelChanges() Saves the changes made by an end-user, up to the current moment, to the differences storage.
SetFormattingCulture(String) Sets the specified formatting culture for the current application.
SetLanguage(String) Sets the specified language for the current application when called before the application windows are shown.
Setup() Initializes the newly created XafApplication class instance.
Setup(ExpressApplicationSetupParameters) Initializes the newly created XafApplication class instance.
Setup(String, IObjectSpaceProvider, ApplicationModulesManager, ISecurityStrategyBase) Initializes the newly created XafApplication class instance.
Setup(String, IObjectSpaceProvider, String[], ISecurityStrategyBase) Initializes the newly created XafApplication class instance.
Setup(String, IObjectSpaceProvider) Initializes the newly created XafApplication class instance.
Setup(String, IList<IObjectSpaceProvider>, ApplicationModulesManager, ISecurityStrategyBase) Initializes the newly created XafApplication class instance.
Setup(String, IList<IObjectSpaceProvider>, String[], ISecurityStrategyBase) Initializes the newly created XafApplication class instance.
Setup(String, String, String[], ISecurityStrategyBase) Initializes the newly created XafApplication class instance.
Setup(String, String, String[]) Initializes the newly created XafApplication class instance.
ShowDetailViewFrom(Frame) Indicates whether a Views invoked from the specified Frame can be displayed in a new Window.
ToString() Returns a String containing the name of the Component, if any. This method should not be overridden. Inherited from Component.
UpdateStatus(String, String, String, Object[]) Triggers the XafApplication.StatusUpdating event.
See Also