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.NET Framework 4.6.2+

XafApplication Events

Manages an XAF application.
Name Description
CreateCustomCollectionSource Occurs when creating a Collection Source for a List View.
CreateCustomDeviceSpecificModelDifferenceStore Occurs when a storage for device-specific model differences is being created.
CreateCustomLogonParameterStore Occurs both when reading and writing the last logon parameters, before creating the logon parameters storage.
CreateCustomLogonWindowControllers Occurs when creating Controllers for a Logon Window.
CreateCustomLogonWindowObjectSpace Occurs when creating an Object Space for a Logon Window’s Detail View.
CreateCustomModelCacheManager Occurs when the object used to manage saving and loading the Application Model cache is created.
CreateCustomModelCacheStream This event is intended for internal use. Handle the XafApplication.CreateCustomModelCacheManager event instead.
CreateCustomModelDifferenceStore Occurs when a storage for model differences is being created.
CreateCustomObjectSpaceProvider Occurs when setting up the application.
CreateCustomPropertyCollectionSource Occurs when creating a Collection Source for a nested List View that displays a collection property.
CreateCustomTemplate Occurs when creating a Template.
CreateCustomUserModelDifferenceStore Occurs when a storage for end-user model differences is being created.
CustomCheckCompatibility Occurs when trying to access the application’s database (when logging on or creating an Object Space).
CustomGetDetailViewId For internal use.
CustomizeFormattingCulture Occurs after a formatting culture has been set internally.
CustomizeLanguage Occurs after a language has been set for the application internally.
CustomizeLanguagesList Occurs when setting up the application.
CustomizeTableName For internal use.
CustomizeTemplate Occurs after a Template has been created.
CustomProcessShortcut Occurs when a View is created by its shortcut.
DashboardViewCreated Occurs after a Dashboard View has been created.
DashboardViewCreating Occurs when creating a Dashboard View.
DatabaseUpdaterCreating Occurs when creating a database updater.
DatabaseVersionMismatch Occurs when the application being run calls the database.
DetailViewCreated Occurs after a Detail View has been created.
DetailViewCreating Occurs when creating a Detail View.
Disposed Occurs when the component is disposed by a call to the Dispose() method. Inherited from Component.
HandleShortcutProcessingException For internal use only.
LastLogonParametersRead Occurs after loading the last logon parameters from the settings storage to the logon object.
LastLogonParametersReading Occurs before loading the last logon parameters from the settings storage to the logon object.
LastLogonParametersWriting Occurs before saving the logon Window‘s logon parameters to the settings storage.
ListViewCreated Occurs after a List View is created.
ListViewCreating Occurs when creating a List View.
LoggedOff Occurs after an end-user has logged off.
LoggedOn Occurs after an end-user has logged on.
LoggingOff Occurs when a user clicks the Log Off button or the ASP.NET Web Forms session ends.
LoggingOn Occurs when the Logon button on the logon Window is clicked.
LogonFailed Occurs when the logon fails.
ModelChanged Occurs when the Application Model instance returned by the XafApplication.Model property is changed.
ObjectSpaceCreated Occurs after an Object Space has been created via the XafApplication.CreateObjectSpace method.
PropertyChanged Occurs when the XafApplication.ApplicationName, XafApplication.Security or XafApplication.Connection property is changed.
SettingUp Occurs before initializing the XafApplication class instance.
SetupComplete Occurs after the XafApplication class instace has been initialized.
ShowViewStrategyChanged Occurs when the XafApplication.ShowViewStrategy object is changed.
StatusUpdating Occurs when the XafApplication status is updated.
UserDifferencesLoaded Occurs after the user-defined Application Model differences are loaded.
ViewCreated Occurs after a View has been created.
ViewCreating Occurs when creating a View.
ViewShowing Occurs before showing a View.
ViewShown Occurs after a View is shown.
See Also