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DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.SystemModule Namespace

Contains Controllers used by default in XAF ASP.NET Web Forms applications.

Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web


Name Description
ChooseThemeController A WindowController descendant that provides the ChooseThemeController.ChooseThemeAction Action for ASP.NET Web Forms applications.
CustomWriteToResponseEventArgs Provides data for the WebExportController.CustomWriteToResponse event.
FocusController A WindowController descendant that manages focus on the current page.
ProcessActionContainerHolderController An abstract base Controller for Controllers that create custom Action items.
QueryCloseAfterSaveEventArgs Arguments passed to the WebModificationsController.QueryCloseAfterSave event.
SystemAspNetModule The module contained in the DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.v24.1.dll assembly.
WebDeleteObjectsViewController Inherits from the DeleteObjectsViewController to implement ASP.NET Web Forms specific behavior.
WebExportController The ASP.NET Web Forms specific descendant of the ExportController class.
WebModificationsController Inherits from the ModificationsController to implement ASP.NET Web Forms specific behavior.
WebNewObjectViewController Inherits from the NewObjectViewController to implement ASP.NET Web Forms specific behavior.


Name Description
IModelActionWeb Used to extend the Application Model‘s IModelAction node.
IModelApplicationWeb Used to extend the Application Model‘s root node (Application).
IModelColumnWeb Used to extend the IModelColumn node with properties specific to ASP.NET Web Forms applications.
IModelDetailViewWeb Extends the DetailView node with properties specific to ASP.NET Web Forms applications.
IModelLayoutGroupWeb Used to extend the Application Model‘s layout item node.
IModelListViewWeb Used to extend the Application Model‘s Views node.
IModelOptionsWeb Used to extend the Application Model‘s Options node.
IModelPopupWindowOptionsWeb The PopupWindowOptions node specifies options of the pop-up Window used in ASP.NET Web Forms applications.
IModelRootNavigationItemsWeb Used to extend the Application Model Basics‘s Views node.
IModelViewLayoutElementWeb Used to extend the Application Model‘s layout item node.


Name Description
CurrentUserDisplayMode Contains values specifying how the current user information is displayed at the top right corner of the application page when the ASP.NET Web Forms Application Appearance is used.
DetailRowMode Contains values specifying how the Detail Row is displayed in the current List View’s ASPxGridListEditor.
InlineEditMode Contains values that specify how cell values are edited by ASP.NET Web Forms List Editors.