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DevExpress.ExpressApp.ReportsV2.Web Namespace

Contains interfaces and classes that are specific to the ASP.NET Web Forms Reports V2 Module.

Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ReportsV2.Web.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ReportsV2.Web


Name Description
ReportDesignerDetailItem The ViewItem that displays the Report Designer within a Detail View.
ReportsAspNetModuleV2 The module contained in the DevExpress.ExpressApp.ReportsV2.Web.v24.1.dll assembly.
ReportViewerDetailItem The ViewItem that displays a report preview in a Detail View using the ASP.NET Document Viewer.
ReportWebViewerDetailItem The ViewItem that displays a report preview in a Detail View using the HTML5 Document Viewer.
WebEditReportController A Controller activated in List Views of IReportDataV2 objects. Hides the Edit, CopyPredefinedReport and ShowReportDesigner Actions from the command column.
WebNewReportWizardShowingEventArgs Contains arguments passed to the WebReportServiceController.NewReportWizardShowing event.
WebReportsController An ASP.NET Web Forms-specific descendant of the ReportsControllerCore class.
WebReportSeparateTabController The ViewController that opens a report in a separate browser tab when a user holds the CONTROL key and clicks a row in the Reports List View.
WebReportServiceController A ViewController descendant containing platform-specific code, providing end-users with ability to view and design reports.


Name Description
ActionTarget Contains values specifying if the report designer is opened within the current browser tab, or in a separate tab.
ClientLibrariesLocations Contains values used to initialize the DevExpress.ExpressApp.ReportsV2.Web.ReportsAspNetModuleV2.ClientLibrariesLocation property.
DesignAndPreviewDisplayModes Contains values used to initialize the ReportsAspNetModuleV2.DesignAndPreviewDisplayMode property.
ReportOutputType Contains values that specify the report output format.
ReportViewerTypes Contains values that specify the Report Viewer type used in ASP.NET Web Forms applications.