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DevExpress.ExpressApp.Maps.Web Namespace

Contains classes specific to the ASP.NET Web Forms Maps Module functionality.

Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Maps.Web.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Maps.Web


Name Description
MapsAspNetModule The module contained in the DevExpress.ExpressApp.Maps.Web.v24.1.dll assembly.
MapViewer The web control that displays markers and routes on an interactive map using the dxMap widget.
MapViewerBase The abstract base class for the MapViewer and VectorMapViewer controls.
VectorMapViewer The web control that displays markers and routes on an interactive map using the dxVectorMap widget.
WebMapsListEditor The List Editor used in ASP.NET Web Forms applications to display business objects on a raster map.
WebMapsPropertyEditor The Property Editor which is used in ASP.NET Web Forms applications to display properties of the IMapsMarker type on a raster map.
WebVectorMapsListEditor The List Editor which is used in ASP.NET Web Forms applications to display business objects on a vector map.


Name Description
ClientLibrariesLocations Contains values used to initialize the DevExpress.ExpressApp.Maps.Web.MapsAspNetModule.ClientLibrariesLocation property.
MapProvider Contains values that specify a map provider.
MapType Contains values that specify the map type.
RouteMode Contains values that specify the route mode.
VectorMapLegendType Contains values that specify the vector map legend type.
VectorMapPalette Contains values that specify the palette to be used for coloring a vector map.
VectorMapType Contains values that specify the region displayed on the vector map.