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IModelApplicationWeb.CurrentUserDisplayMode Property

Specifies how the current user information is displayed in the top right corner of the application page in the new web UI.

Namespace: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.SystemModule

Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web


CurrentUserDisplayMode CurrentUserDisplayMode { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Default Description
CurrentUserDisplayMode Default

A CurrentUserDisplayMode enumeration value specifying how the current user information is displayed in the top right corner of the application page.

Available values:

Name Description Image

A user class’ icon specified by the ImageNameAttribute and ‘My Account’ text are shown.



A user class’ icon specified by the ImageNameAttribute and a user display name specified by the XafDefaultPropertyAttribute are shown.



A user image specified by the CurrentUserDisplayImageAttribute and user display name specified by the XafDefaultPropertyAttribute are shown.



An image specified by the CurrentUserDisplayImageAttribute and ‘My Account’ text are shown.



You can change the CurrentUserDisplayMode value in the Model Editor invoked for the ASP.NET Web Forms-specific project. Focus the root node and specify the required value in the property grid to the right.

The table below demonstrates the effect of different CurrentUserDisplayMode values.

Value Description Screenshot
CaptionAndImage A user image specified by the CurrentUserDisplayImageAttribute and user display name specified by the XafDefaultPropertyAttribute are shown. CurrentUserImage_CaptionAndImage
Caption A user class’ icon specified by the ImageNameAttribute and a user display name specified by the XafDefaultPropertyAttribute are shown. CurrentUserImage_Caption
Default A user class’ icon specified by the ImageNameAttribute and ‘My Account’ text are shown. CurrentUserImage_Default
Image An image specified by the CurrentUserDisplayImageAttribute and ‘My Account’ text are shown. CurrentUserImageMode_Image

To provide an individual image (photo or avatar icon) for each user, set CurrentUserDisplayMode to CaptionAndImage or Image and apply the CurrentUserDisplayImageAttribute to the user business class.

See Also