How to: Display a List View With Data From a Stored Procedure With a Parameter
- 8 minutes to read
This example demonstrates how to show a List View for data fetched from a stored procedure that accepts a parameter. This example uses Non-Persistent Objects to temporally store data from the stored procedure and the Northwind database.
The Northwind database has the CustOrderHist stored procedure that returns the number of products a customer purchased. In this example, a PopupWindowShowAction from the Customers List View invokes a pop-up window that shows data from the stored procedure.
#Create the Customers Persistent Class in the Platform-Agnostic Module
In the platform-agnostic module (MySolution.Module), create the following Customers class:
using DevExpress.Persistent.Base;
using System.ComponentMode.DataAnnotations;
namespace YourSolutionName.Module.BusinessObjects {
public class Customers {
public virtual string CustomerID { get; set; }
// other properties
// Make sure that you use options.UseChangeTrackingProxies() in your DbContext settings.
File: YourSolutionName.Module\BusinessObjects\YourSolutionNameDbContext.cs(vb).
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
public class YourSolutionNameEFCoreDbContext : DbContext {
// ...
public DbSet<Customers> Customers { get; set; }
#Create Non-Persistent Objects in the Platform-Agnostic Module
The CustOrderHist stored procedure returns records with two fields: ProductName (string) and Total (integer). Create a non-persistent class with corresponding properties in the platform-agnostic module (MySolution.Module).
using DevExpress.ExpressApp.DC; namespace YourSolutionName.Module.BusinessObjects { [DomainComponent] public class OrderHist { [DevExpress.ExpressApp.Data.Key] public string ProductName { get; internal set; } public int Total { get; internal set; } } }
Internal/Friend setters are used in the non-persistent class to disable editing the properties because editing is not implemented in this example.
In the Model Editor, add the ProductName column to OrderHist_ListView as described in List View Columns Customization.
Create a controller for Customers Views and add a PopupWindowShowAction in the controller. The scenario in this example requires that a single Customers object is selected. To ensure this, set the Action SelectionDependencyType property to SelectionDependencyType.RequireSingleObject.
using DevExpress.ExpressApp; using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Actions; using YourSolutionName.Module.BusinessObjects; namespace YourSolutionName.Module.Controllers { public class CustomersViewController : ObjectViewController<ObjectView, Customers> { public CustomersViewController() { PopupWindowShowAction action = new PopupWindowShowAction(this, "Order Hist", DevExpress.Persistent.Base.PredefinedCategory.View); action.SelectionDependencyType = SelectionDependencyType.RequireSingleObject; action.CustomizePopupWindowParams += Action_CustomizePopupWindowParams; } private void Action_CustomizePopupWindowParams(object sender, CustomizePopupWindowParamsEventArgs e) { // ... } } }
In the CustomizePopupWindowParams event handler, call the XafApplication.CreateObjectSpace(Type) method to create a NonPersistentObjectSpace from the OrderHist class and handle the NonPersistentObjectSpace.ObjectsGetting event. Call the XafApplication.CreateListView(IObjectSpace, Type, Boolean) method to create a List View from the OrderHist and pass this List View to the e.View parameter.
private void Action_CustomizePopupWindowParams(object sender, CustomizePopupWindowParamsEventArgs e) { NonPersistentObjectSpace objectSpace = (NonPersistentObjectSpace)Application.CreateObjectSpace(typeof(OrderHist)); objectSpace.ObjectsGetting += ObjectSpace_ObjectsGetting; e.View = Application.CreateListView(objectSpace, typeof(OrderHist), true); } private void ObjectSpace_ObjectsGetting(object sender, ObjectsGettingEventArgs e) { // ... }
To allow users to filter and sort a List View, use the DynamicCollection class in the ObjectsGetting event handler to populate the e.Objects collection. The following example demonstrates how to implement this: How to filter and sort Non-Persistent Objects.
Filtering and sorting non-persistent object is supported only in the Client data access mode. In XAF Blazor, List Views have the Queryable data access mode by default. Change the non-persistent List View data access mode to Client in XAF Blazor applications as described in List View Data Access Modes.
using DevExpress.ExpressApp; using System.Collections.Generic; // ... private void ObjectSpace_ObjectsGetting(object sender, ObjectsGettingEventArgs e) { NonPersistentObjectSpace objectSpace = (NonPersistentObjectSpace)sender; var collection = new DynamicCollection(objectSpace, e.ObjectType, e.Criteria, e.Sorting, e.InTransaction); collection.FetchObjects += DynamicCollection_FetchObjects; e.Objects = collection; } private void DynamicCollection_FetchObjects(object sender, FetchObjectsEventArgs e) { Customers customer = (Customers)View.SelectedObjects[0]; e.Objects = GetDataFromSproc(customer.CustomerID); e.ShapeData = true; } List<OrderHist> GetDataFromSproc(string key) { // ... }
The GetDataFromSproc method should contain ORM-dependent code to get data from a stored procedure.
#Create XPO-Dependent Code to Get Data from a Stored Procedure
Use the Session.ExecuteQueryWithMetadata method to get data from a stored procedure. This method returns column names along with data. Refer to the following article to access data returned by the ExecuteQueryWithMetadata method How to: Access Data in SQL Query Results.
Use the XPObjectSpace.Session property to access a Session instance. The created controller is created for a persistent class. Cast the ViewController.ObjectSpace property to XPObjectSpace to get an XPObjectSpace instance in the GetDataFromSproc method. Use the ObjectViewController<ViewType, ObjectType>.ViewCurrentObject property to get a selected Customers object.
using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Xpo;
using DevExpress.Xpo.DB;
using DevExpress.Xpo;
// ...
List<OrderHist> GetDataFromSproc(string key) {
XPObjectSpace persistentObjectSpace = (XPObjectSpace)ObjectSpace;
Session session = persistentObjectSpace.Session;
SelectedData results = session.ExecuteQueryWithMetadata($"CustOrderHist @CustomerID={key}");
Dictionary<string, int> columnNames = new Dictionary<string, int>();
for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < results.ResultSet[0].Rows.Length; columnIndex++) {
string columnName = results.ResultSet[0].Rows[columnIndex].Values[0] as string;
columnNames.Add(columnName, columnIndex);
List<OrderHist> objects = new List<OrderHist>();
foreach (SelectStatementResultRow row in results.ResultSet[1].Rows) {
OrderHist obj = new OrderHist();
obj.ProductName = row.Values[columnNames["ProductName"]] as string;
obj.Total = (int)row.Values[columnNames["Total"]];
return objects;
#Create EF Core-Dependent Code to Get Data from a Stored Procedure
In EF Core, use the DbSet object’s RelationalQueryableExtensions.FromSqlRaw extension method to get data from a stored procedure. Create an entity class that should store data fetched from a stored procedure.
namespace YourSolutionName.Module.BusinessObjects {
public class CustOrderHist {
public virtual string ProductName { get; set; }
public virtual int Total { get; set; }
Add the new entity class to the solution’s DbContext in the YourSolutionName.Module\BusinessObjects\YourSolutionNameDbContext.cs(vb) file.
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
public class YourSolutionNameEFCoreDbContext : DbContext {
// ...
public DbSet<CustOrderHist> CustOrderHists { get; set; }
The created controller is created for a persistent class. Cast the ViewController.ObjectSpace property to EFCoreObjectSpace to get an EFCoreObjectSpace instance in the GetDataFromSproc method. Access your YourSolutionNameEFCoreDbContext instance from the EFCoreObjectSpace.DbContext property. Call the YourSolutionNameEFCoreDbContext.Employees.FromSqlRaw method to get data from a stored procedure. Use the ObjectViewController<ViewType, ObjectType>.ViewCurrentObject property to get a selected Customers object.
using DevExpress.ExpressApp.EFCore;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
// ...
List<OrderHist> GetDataFromSproc(string key) {
EFCoreObjectSpace persistentObjectSpace = (EFCoreObjectSpace)ObjectSpace;
YourSolutionNameEFCoreDbContext dbContext = (YourSolutionNameEFCoreDbContext)persistentObjectSpace.DbContext;
IQueryable<CustOrderHist> results = dbContext.CustOrderHists.FromSqlRaw($"CustOrderHist @CustomerID={key}");
List<OrderHist> objects = new List<OrderHist>();
foreach (CustOrderHist coh in results) {
OrderHist obj = new OrderHist();
obj.ProductName = coh.ProductName;
obj.Total = coh.Total;
return objects;