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Filter Data at Grid Control Level

  • 3 minutes to read

You can filter a List View by means of the grid that displays it: XAF supports the following platform-specific grid controls:

ASP.NET Core Blazor
Windows Forms
ASP.NET Web Forms


For information on how to customize a grid component displayed in a List View, refer to the following topic: How to: Access the Grid Component in a List View

#Column Header Filters

This functionality is available in the following platform-specific controls:

ASP.NET Core Blazor
ASP.NET Core Blazor XAF ListView Filter, DevExpress
Windows Forms
Windows Forms XAF ListView Filter, DevExpress


If you use column header filters, XAF saves changes in the Application Model. Changes persist even if you close the View. You can access these filter settings via the IModelListView.Filter property in the Model Editor.

#Filter Builder

This functionality is available for the following List Editors:

ASP.NET Core Blazor
Windows Forms
ASP.NET Web Forms
ASP.NET Core Blazor
Filter Builder in XAF ASP.NET Core Blazor Application, DevExpress
Windows Forms
Filter Builder in XAF Windows Forms Application, DevExpress


If you use the Filter Builder, XAF saves changes in the Application Model. Changes persist even if you close the View. You can access these filter settings via the IModelListView.Filter property in the Model Editor.

The Filter Builder is available for properties that store filter criteria in ASP.NET Core Blazor, Windows Forms, and ASP.NET Web Forms XAF applications. For more information about platform-specific UI controls that implement the Filter Builder, refer to the following topic: Criteria Properties.

#Filter Builder in ASP.NET Core Blazor

#Filter Builder in Windows Forms

#Filter Builder in ASP.NET Web Forms

#Auto Filter Row

The Auto Filter Row functionality is available for the following List Editors:

ASP.NET Core Blazor
Windows Forms
ASP.NET Web Forms

Auto Filter Row in XAF ASP.NET Core Blazor Application, DevExpress


If you use the Auto Filter Row, XAF saves changes in the Application Model. Changes persist even if you close the View. You can access these filter settings via the IModelListView.Filter property in the Model Editor.

#Find Panel or Search Panel

A search component that a List Editor displays at runtime. The following List Editors support this functionality:

ASP.NET Core Blazor
Windows Forms
ASP.NET Web Forms


The filters applied in the search component are not saved in the the Application Model.

See Also