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.NET 8.0+

XPBaseCollection Members

An ancestor of the XPCollection class.

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Name Description

Defines which operations a bound control can perform on a collection.

This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.

CanRaiseEvents protected Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event. Inherited from Component.
CaseSensitive Gets or sets whether string comparisons during sorting and filtering of the XPBaseCollection are case-sensitive.
ClearCount For internal use.
Container Gets the IContainer that contains the Component. Inherited from Component.
Count Gets the number of elements contained in the XPBaseCollection instance.
Criteria Gets or sets the criteria used to filter objects on the data store side.
CriteriaString Gets or sets the criteria used to filter objects on the data store side.
DeleteObjectOnRemove Gets or sets whether the persistent object is deleted from the data store when it is removed from the collection.
DesignMode protected Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode. Inherited from Component.
DisplayableProperties Gets or sets the displayable properties list for a bound control.
EnableObjectChangedNotificationsWhileEditing static Obsolete. Specifies whether object changed notifications occur when editing a property.
Events protected Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component. Inherited from Component.
Filter Gets or sets the criteria used to filter objects on the client side.
HintCollection This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and cannot be used directly from your code.
IsAsyncLoading For internal use.
IsLoaded Gets whether the XPBaseCollection collection is loaded with objects from the data store.
LoadingEnabled Gets or sets whether loading of data from a data store to the collection is enabled.
SelectDeleted Gets or sets whether objects that are marked as deleted are retrieved by a collection from a data store.
Session Gets or sets the Session used by the current collection.
Site Gets or sets the ISite of the Component. Inherited from Component.
SkipReturnedObjects Gets or sets the number of objects to exclude when populating the collection with objects from a data store.
Sorting Gets or sets the sort settings for the current collection.
TopReturnedObjects Gets or sets the maximum number of objects retrieved by the collection from a data store.

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Name Description
BaseAdd(Object) Adds the specified persistent object to the XPBaseCollection.
BaseAddRange(ICollection) Adds each element from a specified collection of persistent objects to the XPBaseCollection.
BaseIndexer(Int32) Gets the object at the specified index.
BaseIndexOf(Object) Determines the index of the specified object in the XPBaseCollection.
BaseRemove(Object) Removes the specified persistent object from the XPBaseCollection.
BaseRemoveAsync(Object, CancellationToken) Asynchronously removes the specified persistent object from the XPBaseCollection.
BeginLoad() Starts the loading process.
BeginLoad(Boolean) Starts the loading process.
BeginLoadAsync(Boolean, CancellationToken)
Dispose() Releases all resources used by the Component. Inherited from Component.
EndLoad(IEnumerable) Ends the loading process.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
EvaluateDatastoreCount() Specifies the number of elements that will be contained in the collection after loading it.
GetDefaultDisplayableProperties(XPClassInfo) static Returns the default value for the XPBaseCollection.DisplayableProperties property for the specified object type.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetLifetimeService() Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
GetObjectClassInfo() When implemented by a class, returns the metadata information that describes the type of objects in the collection.
GetRealFetchClassInfo() This method is intended for internal use.
GetRealFetchCriteria() This method is intended for internal use.
GetService(Type) protected Returns an object that represents a service provided by the Component or by its Container. Inherited from Component.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
InitializeLifetimeService() Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
Load() Loads persistent objects of a specific type from the data store into the collection.
LoadAsync() Asynchronously loads persistent objects of a specific type from the data store into the collection.
LoadAsync(AsyncLoadObjectsCallback) Asynchronously loads persistent objects of a specific type from the data store into the collection, and notifies upon completion.
LoadAsync(CancellationToken) Asynchronously loads persistent objects of a specific type from the data store into the collection.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone(Boolean) protected Creates a shallow copy of the current MarshalByRefObject object. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
PreFetch(String[]) Enforces loading data for associated collections and delayed properties.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
Reload() Clears the collection and marks it to be reloaded with data from the data store.
ResumeChangedEvents() Resumes the immediate update of the collection after it was suspended using the XPBaseCollection.SuspendChangedEvents method.
SuspendChangedEvents() Prevents the immediate update of the collection when objects are added/removed and filtering/sorting is changed until the XPBaseCollection.ResumeChangedEvents method is called.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current XPCollection.

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Name Description
CollectionChanged Occurs when an item is added to, or removed from the XPBaseCollection (when the XPBaseCollection.BaseAdd or XPBaseCollection.BaseRemove method is called).
Disposed Occurs when the component is disposed by a call to the Dispose() method. Inherited from Component.
ListChanged Occurs when the list or an item in the list of the XPBaseCollection collection is changed.
ResolveSession Enables the collection to be associated with a session.
See Also