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.NET Framework 4.6.2+

IDataStoreServiceAsync.UpdateSchemaAsync(Boolean, DBTable[]) Method

Asynchronously updates a data store’s schema according to specified settings.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpo.DB

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpo.v24.2.dll


[OperationContract(Action = "", ReplyAction = "")]
Task<OperationResult<UpdateSchemaResult>> UpdateSchemaAsync(
    bool doNotCreateIfFirstTableNotExist,
    DBTable[] tables


Name Type Description
doNotCreateIfFirstTableNotExist Boolean

Defines whether to create and update tables if the data store does not contain the tables array’s first item. true, to prevent table creation and schema update; false, to create new tables and update schema.

tables DBTable[]

An array of tables whose structure is saved to the data store.


Type Description

A Task that returns the update operation result.

See Also