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SchedulerControl.EditAppointmentDependencyFormShowing Event

Occurs before the Appointment Dependency dialog window is invoked.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraScheduler

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Scheduler


public event AppointmentDependencyFormEventHandler EditAppointmentDependencyFormShowing

Event Data

The EditAppointmentDependencyFormShowing event's data class is AppointmentDependencyFormEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
AppointmentDependency Gets the appointment dependency for which the dialog will be shown.
CommandSourceType Indicates the mechanism of the command input, e.g. keyboard, mouse, menu.
DialogResult Gets or sets the return value of a dialog box. Inherited from ShowFormEventArgs.
Handled Gets or sets whether an event was handled, if it was handled the default actions are not required. Inherited from ShowFormEventArgs.
Parent Gets or sets a parent of the form being shown. Inherited from ShowFormEventArgs.
ReadOnly Gets a value indicating whether an appointment dependency is read-only.


Handle the EditAppointmentDependencyFormShowing event to perform any actions prior to the Appointment Dependency dialog being shown. You can specify a custom dialog in place of the standard one or not display a dialog at all.

This dialog can be invoked either in the GanttView view by an end-user, or via the SchedulerControl.ShowEditAppointmentDependencyForm method. Note that the appointment dependency which will be edited in this dialog window can be specified via the AppointmentDependencyFormEventArgs.AppointmentDependency property.

See Also